Friday, 16 June 2017

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Fibo 13 Prospero Mp3 Love Me Like You Zumba Dance Fitness Live Love Party Mp3 Heritage Singers Peacespeaker Mp3 Porshi New Song 2017 Mp3 Oh My Girl Roundabout Mp3 Dj Bongs Sthandwa Sam Mp3 Siyabonga Jesu Solly Mp3 Dangdut Koplo Hot Biduan Lokal Semok Toket Gede Mp3 Lagu Cover Akustik Mp3 Simobb Em Alarabiya Entrevista inglesa 3 com Chawki Mp3Basic Entrevista Perguntas I 1. Diga-me um pouco sobre você. Você deve aproveitar esta oportunidade para mostrar suas habilidades de comunicação falando de forma clara e concisa de forma organizada. Por não haver uma resposta certa ou errada para esta questão, é importante parecer amigável. Respostas Curtas Eu assisti ao MIT onde me especializei em Engenharia Elétrica. Meus passatempos incluem basquete, lendo romances e caminhadas. Cresci na Coréia e estudei a contabilidade. Eu trabalhei em uma empresa de contabilidade por dois anos e eu gosto de andar de bicicleta e correr. Eu sou uma pessoa fácil que funciona bem com todos. Eu gosto de estar em torno de diferentes tipos de pessoas e eu sempre me desafio a melhorar em tudo o que eu faço. Eu sou um trabalhador e eu gosto de enfrentar uma variedade de desafios. Eu gosto de animais de estimação, e no meu tempo livre, eu gosto de relaxar e ler o jornal. Sempre gostei de estar equilibrado. Quando eu trabalho, quero trabalhar duro. E fora do trabalho, eu gosto de me envolver em minhas atividades pessoais, como golfe e pesca. Longa resposta Fui à Universidade de Washington e graduado em Literatura Inglesa. Eu fui para a escola de pós-graduação porque eu realmente gostava de aprender. Depois, comecei minha carreira na Boeing como editor de conteúdo da web. Estive lá há 3 anos agora. Embora a minha ênfase seja por escrito, eu gosto de números. Eu acho que resolver problemas de lógica e enigmas são bastante divertidos. Também gosto de correr, ler e assistir filmes. Não há uma resposta correta ou errada para esta questão. A coisa mais importante que você deve lembrar é como você entrega a mensagem. O exemplo acima mostra uma resposta curta contando um pouco sobre a pessoa. A resposta passou da educação para a carreira, e depois para os interesses pessoais, tudo em um fluxo suave. 2. Quais são os seus pontos fortes Esta é uma questão de entrevista popular. Eles querem saber o que você pensa de si mesmo. Embora esta seja uma questão geral, há uma resposta errada e correta. A resposta errada é uma resposta genérica dizendo que você está organizado e amigável. Embora não seja prejudicial para você durante a entrevista, certamente não o ajudará também. Responda esta questão com base no tipo de trabalho para o qual você está se candidatando. Respostas curtas Eu acredito que minha característica mais forte é a minha atenção aos detalhes. Essa característica me ajudou tremendamente neste campo de trabalho. Sempre fui um grande jogador de equipe. É bom manter uma equipe em conjunto e produzir um trabalho de qualidade em um ambiente de equipe. Depois de ter trabalhado por alguns anos, percebi que a minha força é realizar uma grande quantidade de trabalho dentro de um curto período de tempo. Eu faço as coisas a tempo e meu gerente sempre apreciou isso. Minha característica mais forte é o atendimento ao cliente. Eu escuto e preste muita atenção às necessidades dos meus clientes e garanto que eles estão mais do que satisfeitos. Long Answers Digamos que estou entrevistando para um cargo de gerência. Você deve mencionar os traços que são importantes para os gerentes. Um par de pontos fortes que tenho são planejar e executar e trabalhar com pessoas. Sempre fui muito bom em planejar e detalhar todos os passos. Mesmo na faculdade, eu gastaria tempo organizando minha semana e planejando uma estratégia para enfrentar cada classe ou tarefa. Executar um plano sempre foi fácil para mim também. Eu acredito que é devido ao planejamento adequado. Eu também trabalho com pessoas muito bem de uma forma que eu uso os pontos fortes de cada indivíduo em uma equipe para produzir os melhores resultados. Por causa da minha personalidade fácil, fui informado por minhas direções que é fácil me abordar. Se você está se candidatando a uma posição contábil, você deve mencionar os traços fortes que um contador deve ter e reivindicá-los como seus. Estou muito orientado para detalhes, bom em gerenciar tempo e muito honesto. Eu sempre incorporo gerenciamento de tempo e detalhamento em conjunto. Por natureza, tenho sido orientada por detalhes, e isso resultou em demorar muito tempo em uma tarefa específica. Depois de incorporar o gerenciamento do tempo na mistura, descobri que meu trabalho e eficiência aumentaram dramaticamente. Eu planejo melhor e produzo um trabalho de melhor qualidade em um ambiente de restrição de tempo. Finalmente, sou uma pessoa muito honesta. Quando eu trabalhava como assistente de atendimento durante a faculdade, uma senhora me deu uma nota de vinte dólares para pagar a taxa de três dólares. Ela quase abandonou o lote, mas eu a deteve e disse que aqui está sua mudança. Meus colegas de trabalho disseram que eu deveria considerar a mudança como uma dica, mas eu sei o que fiz foi honesto e correto. Você pode enganar outras pessoas, mas você não pode se enganar. Isso é o que eu acredito. O segundo exemplo pode parecer um pouco falso. Mas o poder de um exemplo é maior do que qualquer grande palavra que você pode encadear juntos. Todos podem afirmar que são honestos, mas com um exemplo, é muito mais credível. 3. Quais são suas fraquezas Para essa resposta, você deve exibir uma fraqueza que pode ser vista como uma força. Existem muitos tipos de respostas que funcionarão. Algumas respostas serão boas respostas para determinados trabalhos, enquanto a mesma resposta será uma resposta ruim para um trabalho diferente. Selecione uma resposta que funcione para a posição para a qual você está se candidatando. Aqui estão alguns exemplos. Respostas curtas Isso pode ser ruim, mas na faculdade eu achei que procrastinei muito. Eu percebi esse problema, e estou trabalhando nisso, concluindo meu trabalho antes do cronograma. Sinto que minha fraqueza não está sendo suficientemente orientada para detalhes. Eu sou uma pessoa que quer realizar o máximo possível. Percebi que isso prejudica a qualidade e estou trabalhando atualmente para encontrar um equilíbrio entre quantidade e qualidade. Eu sinto que minha habilidade inglesa é minha característica mais fraca. Eu sei que isso é apenas um problema temporário. Im definitivamente estudando muito para comunicar de forma mais eficaz. O traço mais fraco com o qual lutei não estava pedindo ajuda. Eu sempre tento resolver meus próprios problemas em vez de pedir um colega de trabalho que possa conhecer a resposta. Isso me salvaria mais tempo e seria mais eficiente. Estou trabalhando para saber quando seria benéfico pedir ajuda. Respostas longas Eu acho que minha característica mais fraca é a minha impaciência. Sempre que trabalho em equipe e um membro não está cumprindo minhas expectativas, posso ficar impaciente e irritado. Eu entendo se eles estão trabalhando duro e sua porção é difícil, mas às vezes uma pessoa não pode fazer a tarefa por incompetência ou preguiça. Um tempo atrás eu ficaria frustrado e começaria a reclamar, mas percebi que eu posso ajudar, explicando coisas a algumas pessoas e encorajando pessoas preguiçosas, lembrando-lhes os prazos. Eu sei que é ruim ser impaciente, mas definitivamente estou trabalhando nisso. Estou muito orientado para detalhes. Eu nunca quero deixar nada e eu quero que tudo seja perfeito. Isso é ruim porque retarda meu trabalho. Inicialmente, tentei trabalhar mais rápido para compensar, mas isso só me deixou desleixado. Então eu decidi colocar mais ênfase na prioridade e no planejamento. Ao fazê-lo, estou esperando que eu possa tomar as decisões adequadas sobre o que trabalhar e o que intencionalmente deixar de fora. Ambos os exemplos mostram uma resposta aceitável. Apesar de ser impaciente não é bom, mostra que você é um aprendiz rápido e que gosta de eficiência. O segundo exibe uma pessoa que é orientada por detalhes, o que pode ser visto como uma boa característica. Finalmente, ambas as respostas identificam a fraqueza e mostram as ações de corrigi-la. 4. Quais são seus objetivos de curto prazo Esta questão depende principalmente de onde você está em sua carreira. Uma pessoa com 5 anos de experiência terá diferentes objetivos de curto prazo do que uma pessoa sem experiência de trabalho. Vou dar um exemplo para ambos os cenários. Mas primeiro, aqui estão algumas respostas curtas. Respostas curtas O meu objetivo a curto prazo é encontrar uma posição em que eu possa usar os conhecimentos e os pontos fortes que tenho. Eu quero participar do crescimento e sucesso da empresa para a qual trabalho. Aprendi os conceitos básicos de marketing durante os meus dois primeiros anos. Quero dar o próximo passo ao assumir projetos desafiadores. Meu objetivo de curto prazo é crescer como analista de marketing. Como gerente de programa, é importante entender todas as áreas do projeto. Embora eu tenha as habilidades técnicas para ser bem sucedido no meu trabalho, eu quero aprender diferentes aplicativos de software que podem ajudar na eficiência do trabalho. Meu objetivo é sempre atuar em um nível excepcional. Mas um objetivo de curto prazo que estabeleci para mim é implementar um processo que aumente a eficiência do trabalho. Respostas longas Meu objetivo a curto prazo é aprender tudo o que posso sobre marketing. Quero encontrar uma posição em que eu possa contribuir com o que aprendi através da educação e ganhar experiência na vida real. Eu acredito que os próximos dois anos serão muito importantes para mim e meu objetivo imediato é aprender e tornar-se especializado em todos os aspectos do marketing. Meu objetivo a curto prazo é entrar em uma posição de gerenciamento. Nos últimos cinco anos da minha carreira, eu me concentrei em aprender e adquirir todas as habilidades necessárias para realizar um excelente trabalho. Recentemente, eu tomei mais responsabilidades no gerenciamento porque eu eventualmente quero me tornar um gerente de vendas. Estou entusiasmado com as últimas atribuições que completei porque envolveu trabalhar com fornecedores e parceiros enquanto gerenciava um pequeno grupo de trabalhadores. Então espero estar em uma posição de gestão dentro de um ano ou dois e eu sinto que estou fazendo um trabalho diligente ao se voluntariar por trabalho extra para ganhar mais experiência. O primeiro exemplo é uma pessoa fora da escola. Aprender é um bom objetivo de curto prazo, porque mostra que você estará tentando muito em seu trabalho. O segundo exemplo é mais detalhado porque essa pessoa tem vários anos de experiência. Qualquer um pode dizer que quer um cargo de gerência, mas este candidato está dando um passo adiante, mostrando os passos que ele está tomando para alcançar o objetivo de curto prazo. Assim, torna-se uma resposta mais forte. 5. Quais são os seus objetivos a longo prazo. Esta pergunta é solicitada para ver como um candidato é sério sobre sua carreira. Algumas pessoas podem não conhecer seus objetivos de longo prazo, e algumas pessoas podem ter metas de longo prazo para se tornarem ricas e se aposentar precocemente. Essas são respostas incorretas para esta questão. O tipo de resposta que você quer dar é uma resposta ambiciosa que mostra que você realmente ama sua carreira. Um bom entrevistador irá ler entre as linhas e descobrir se uma pessoa vai ser um trabalhador ou apenas uma pessoa medíocre. Ser descritivo e disparar para um grande objetivo é algo que os entrevistadores querem ouvir. Resposta curta Eu gostaria de me tornar diretor ou superior. Isso pode ser um pouco ambicioso, mas eu sei que sou inteligente, e estou disposto a trabalhar duro. Depois de uma carreira bem sucedida, eu adoraria escrever um livro sobre a eficiência do escritório. Eu acho que trabalhar inteligente é importante e tenho muitas idéias. Então, depois de ganhar mais experiência, vou tentar escrever um livro. Sempre amei ensinar. Gostaria de expandir novos funcionários e ajudar colegas de trabalho sempre que puder. Então, no futuro, eu adoraria ser um instrutor. Eu quero me tornar um empregado valorizado de uma empresa. Eu quero fazer a diferença e estou disposto a trabalhar duro para alcançar esse objetivo. Eu não quero uma carreira regular, eu quero uma carreira especial que eu possa me orgulhar. Meu objetivo de longo prazo é tornar-se um parceiro para uma empresa de consultoria. Conheço o trabalho árduo envolvido na realização desse objetivo, e sei que muitas pessoas não conseguem se tornar parceiras. Isso não vai me impedir de trabalhar arduamente, aprender tudo o que puder e contribuir para uma empresa em que vou tornar-me um bem valioso. Eu sei que não é uma garantia, mas tornar-se um parceiro é um objetivo de longo prazo meu, e eu vou trabalhar para esse objetivo ao longo da minha carreira. Este exemplo mostra um candidato com um grande objetivo. Esta pessoa identifica a dificuldade do objetivo e mostra as etapas necessárias para alcançar esse objetivo. Apesar da dificuldade, este candidato mostra que ele ou ela não ficará desencorajado com situações difíceis e nunca desistirá. É uma resposta curta que percorre um longo caminho. 6. O que você quer fazer cinco anos a partir de agora Onde você se vê em cinco anos Esta é uma pergunta semelhante à pergunta de curto prazo, mas você deve responder um pouco diferente. Aqui estão alguns exemplos. Respostas curtas Em cinco anos, vejo-me como um empregado valioso de uma empresa. Eu quero ser um especialista na minha posição e começar a treinar para ser um gerente. Em cinco anos, quero ser um analista sênior. Quero que meus conhecimentos influenciem diretamente a empresa de forma positiva. Meu objetivo é tornar-se líder em cinco anos. Embora nem todos sejam promovidos a esse nível, acredito que posso conseguir esse objetivo através de um trabalho árduo. Embora eu realmente gostei de trabalhar como engenheiro mecânico, eu quero me tornar um gerente. Eu quero continuar ganhando experiência, e depois de aprender muitos aspectos diferentes, eu me vejo na gestão. Respostas longas Daqui a cinco anos, gostaria de me ver numa posição de gestão. Eu vou aprender e ganhar experiência prática até então, mas, eventualmente, eu quero me tornar um gerente de marketing. Eu sei que há muitas coisas para aprender, mas vou trabalhar muito nos próximos cinco anos. Eu acredito que as oportunidades vêm para grandes trabalhadores e vou tentar ser um deles. Daqui a cinco anos, quero ser gerente de vendas sênior. Estou atualmente treinando para me tornar um gerente, e se eu continuar trabalhando duro, eu acho que eu vou ter uma posição de gerenciamento em breve. Depois de ganhar vários anos de experiência como gerente de vendas, quero estar em uma posição em que eu possa treinar e fornecer meus conhecimentos para gerentes de vendas mais recentes. Ambas as respostas exibem características de trabalho duro. O segundo exemplo também menciona que ele quer formar gerentes mais novos. Esta é uma boa resposta, porque visa uma boa característica sobre a administração superior a capacidade de treinar os gerentes. 7. Se você pudesse mudar uma coisa sobre sua personalidade, o que seria e por que essa questão é outra variação da questão da fraqueza. Você pode fornecer um tipo de questão semelhante, a menos que seja a mesma pessoa perguntando. Para responder a esta pergunta, pense em uma pessoa que você respeita e o seu caráter que você realmente gosta. Eu costumava ter um gerente que era muito paciente e explicava as coisas com muito cuidado. Eu realmente gostei dessa característica, então eu vou fornecer a resposta longa usando este exemplo. Mas primeiro, vamos ver algumas respostas curtas. Respostas curtas Eu fico facilmente frustrado com pessoas que não trabalham muito. Mas eu sei que as pessoas têm diferentes estilos de trabalho e diferentes hábitos de trabalho. Então, se eu pudesse mudar alguma coisa, gostaria de ser mais compreensivo. Eu tenho grandes expectativas e tenho essas expectativas em outros. Eu acho que se eu estivesse mais compreensivo, poderia ajudar outros trabalhadores a melhorar em vez de ficar desapontado. Gostaria de ser mais um tomador de risco. Eu sempre faço o meu trabalho e o completo em um nível excepcional, mas às vezes assumir um risco pode tornar o trabalho ainda melhor. Estou trabalhando nisso pensando a questão e pesando os prós e os contras. Gostaria de ser mais um extrovertido. Estou um pouco quieto e um pouco mais perto do lado introvertido. Eu gostaria de mudar isso porque eu pareceria mais amigável. Resposta longa Eu queria ser mais paciente com as pessoas. Lembro-me de um gerente que fiz há alguns anos atrás. Ele era muito paciente com todos. Mesmo os trabalhadores que não eram tão inteligentes e não conseguiram entender um conceito para executar o trabalho. Lembro-me de pensar como essa pessoa que não pode entender esse conceito continua a trabalhar aqui. Meu gerente tomou uma abordagem diferente. Ele estava entendendo esse trabalhador e explicou o conceito de uma maneira diferente. Ele até explicou como ver os problemas de uma perspectiva diferente. Isso ajudou esse trabalhador e com o tempo esse trabalhador tornou-se um forte contribuinte. Então, se eu pudesse mudar uma coisa sobre mim, eu gostaria de ser mais paciente e compreensivo. Estou tomando as medidas para mudar para melhor, lembrando as ações do meu gerente passado sempre que eu estou em uma situação semelhante. Isso é um pouco longo, mas se você pode falar sem problemas, mostra suas habilidades de comunicação. Além disso, o conteúdo da resposta não é tão ruim assim. Eles querem um problema de personalidade, e esta resposta está mostrando impaciência enquanto indica que você entende conceitos difíceis facilmente. Também mostra que você está trabalhando na correção do mau comportamento. 8. O que o sucesso significa para você Há muitas coisas que você pode dizer. Este tipo de pergunta não tem uma resposta errada. Todas as respostas estarão corretas. Então, a melhor resposta é o quão bom você pode fazer a resposta. Uma resposta medíocre será algo como completar um projeto no horário. Você pode dizer isso, mas adicione outro toque para tornar a resposta um pouco melhor. Aqui está um exemplo. Respostas curtas Para mim, o sucesso significa ter um objetivo, planejar os passos para alcançar o objetivo, implementar o plano e finalmente alcançar o objetivo. O sucesso significa alcançar um objetivo que eu estabeleci para mim. O sucesso significa produzir trabalhos de alta qualidade antes do prazo. O sucesso para mim é saber que minhas contribuições impactaram positivamente minha empresa. Resposta longa O sucesso para mim significa completar uma tarefa e, ao olhar para trás, pensando que não poderia ter feito isso melhor. Para ter sucesso é completar uma tarefa ou tarefa no tempo de uma maneira excelente. Mas isso é apenas metade disso. Os resultados devem ser bons e as pessoas envolvidas devem obter uma valiosa lição ou experiência. Por exemplo, se fosse um projeto de grupo, e apenas duas pessoas fora de quatro realmente fizeram o trabalho, eu não chamaria esse sucesso. Se todos participaram e trabalharam juntos, fornecendo um produto valioso, então é um sucesso. Então, eu acho que tanto o resultado como o processo devem ser ótimos para chamar algo de sucesso. Esta resposta mostra que você acredita na entrega de um trabalho de excelente qualidade. Além disso, implica o quanto você valoriza o trabalho em equipe. Se você valoriza muito o trabalho em equipe, é seguro assumir que você faria um excelente jogador de equipe. 9. O que a falha significa para você Isto é bastante simples. Não vejo muitas respostas certas, então é o que sugiro. Você pode acreditar em dois dos seguintes. Um, você acredita que o fracasso não está alcançando seu objetivo, não importa o que. Ou dois, você pode acreditar que o fracasso é apenas quando nada é aprendido com a falha. Eu acredito no último, mas você não precisa concordar comigo. Resposta curta A falha é quando eu não alcanço meu objetivo. Eu acho que falhar em algo está cometendo um erro e não aprender nada com isso. Para mim, o fracasso significa ter um objetivo e não fazer nada sobre isso. Eu acho que o fracasso não está atingindo seu potencial. Se você não usa os recursos que você possui e os recursos em sua volta, isso é falha porque o trabalho ou objetivo poderia ter sido feito melhor. Resposta longa Eu acho que é mais difícil falhar do que ter sucesso. A razão é, se você falhar em um projeto, você pode aprender uma lição valiosa de seu erro. Aprender com o erro permitirá que você melhore projetos futuros ou simplesmente não os repita. Só porque eu acredito nisso, não significa que eu acredite que é aceitável falhar em um projeto, mas, no caso, eu tentaria aprender tudo o que posso mesmo quando o resultado final não era tão bom. Então, falhar comigo significa cometer um erro e não ter aprendido nada com isso. Ninguém quer uma falha. Então, você pode sentir que responder dessa maneira será arriscado. No entanto, esta é uma resposta sólida que a maioria das pessoas concorda. Se a pessoa não gosta dessa resposta, então você pode não querer trabalhar para essa pessoa. Todos falham e se você trabalha para alguém que não tolera o fracasso, então você estará em uma situação difícil. Mesmo vice-presidentes de grandes corporações acreditam que aprender com erros é uma lição valiosa. Esta resposta também afirma que você fará o melhor para não falhar, mas, no caso, você quer ganhar algo com sua experiência. 10. Você é uma pessoa organizada Você pode pensar que esta pergunta é estúpida. Na verdade, eu faço. Todos dirão que estão organizados. Quem admitirá o contrário. Você deve saber que todos dirão coisas semelhantes. Aproveite este tempo para ser criativo com sua resposta. Você pode usar esses tipos de perguntas para deixar uma forte impressão com uma resposta criativa. Ou, se você não é criativo, a melhor maneira de responder a esta pergunta é com um exemplo. Usar uma história é mais confiável e mais fácil de lembrar. Sinta-se livre para misturar um pouco de humor para torná-lo mais memorável. Respostas Curtas Im uma pessoa muito organizada. Gosto de saber exatamente o que vou fazer para o dia e a semana. Então descrevo minhas tarefas e organizo minha carga de trabalho. Ao fazê-lo, posso organizar o meu tempo e trabalhar melhor. Eu acredito que estou muito organizado. Eu gosto de organizar meu trabalho por prioridade e prazos. Eu faço isso para que eu possa produzir o trabalho de melhor qualidade na quantidade de tempo que eu tenho. Eu acho que estou bastante organizado. Eu gosto de meus documentos e documentos de uma maneira que eu possa recuperá-los rapidamente. Eu também organizo meu trabalho de uma maneira que é fácil ver exatamente o que estou fazendo. A organização sempre me foi fácil. Naturalmente, organizo coisas como minha mesa, tempo, tarefas e trabalho sem pensar nelas. Isso me ajuda tremendamente durante momentos em que eu estou chegando a um prazo. Resposta longa Eu sou realmente uma pessoa muito organizada. É engraçado que você mencione isso porque apenas no outro dia, meu colega de quarto queria emprestar minha mala e ver meu armário. Ele se divertiu de mim por organizar minhas roupas por comprimento e cor. Eu sou assim com tudo. É muito mais fácil administrar as coisas. No entanto, não sou exigente e não preciso ter as coisas de uma certa maneira. Eu só quero que as coisas sejam organizadas. Então sim, eu me considero organizado. Este exemplo só deve ser feito se você estiver confiante com suas habilidades de comunicação. Se você parecer estranho ou se parece que está lendo esse tipo de resposta, isso poderia ter um efeito negativo. Em vez disso, você deve fazer uma resposta genérica se você não se sentir com medo com esse tipo de resposta. 11. De que forma você está organizado e desorganizado Esta é outra variação da pergunta anterior. Esta questão é um pouco melhor porque a pergunta quer que você identifique uma área que você está desorganizado. Certifique-se de enfatizar a parte organizada da resposta. Se você é realmente uma pessoa organizada, então é realmente difícil pensar em uma área que você está desorganizado. Então, pensar com antecedência permitirá que você faça uma boa impressão com uma resposta sólida. Respostas curtas Estou muito organizado com o meu tempo e trabalho, mas minha mesa está um pouco desorganizada. Como trabalho com muitos arquivos, eu gosto de manter minha mesa organizada. Eu sempre tenho tudo em um certo lugar para que eu possa encontrar as coisas mais fáceis. A área Im desorganizada é provavelmente a área de trabalho do meu computador. Eu geralmente tenho tantos ícones em todos os lugares. Eu deveria organizá-lo um pouco, mas nunca precisei. Eu organizo o meu horário o melhor. Estou acostumado a muitas reuniões, então é importante para mim ser organizado com meu horário e horário. A área que eu preciso melhorar é provavelmente o meu arquivo. Comecei a classificar as coisas em ordem alfabética, mas quando estou ocupada, eu começo a colocar as coisas lá. Começou a ficar difícil encontrar coisas, mas isso é algo que vou consertar. Resposta longa Essa é uma boa pergunta. Bem, estou organizado em quase tudo o que eu faço. Estou muito organizado com o meu horário e hora. Eu gosto de trabalhar de forma eficiente, e ser organizado com o meu tempo me ajuda. A área que sinto que estou desorganizada é provavelmente minha mesa. Eu gosto de trabalhar rápido e não mantenho minha área de mesa tão arrumada quanto algumas pessoas que conheço. Isso, no entanto, não me impede de fazer meu trabalho bem. Você sabe que algumas pessoas podem ter arquivos e papel em toda sua mesa, mas algumas como sabem exatamente onde tudo está localizado. Eu acho que sou uma dessas pessoas. No entanto, se eu sei que estou tendo um cliente ou um convidado, então eu definitivamente tornaria as coisas mais arrumadas. Esta resposta traz um pouco de humor à questão. Ele acende o humor e faz com que uma pessoa pareça real em vez de parecer perfeita. No entanto, se o trabalho que você está aplicando requer interação constante com o cliente, essa resposta não será boa. Esta resposta seria melhor para um trabalho de escritório onde muitas pessoas não verão sua mesa. 12. Você gerencia o seu tempo bem Como você gerencia bem o seu tempo? A primeira questão é um pouco mais fácil. A segunda questão é mais difícil porque requer um exemplo. Vou dar um exemplo para a segunda pergunta e você também poderá usá-la para a primeira pergunta. Resposta curta Eu sei que administra bem meu tempo porque nunca chego atrasado para trabalhar e nunca perdi um prazo. Estou bem em gerenciar meu tempo. Eu permaneço ocupado tanto em casa como no trabalho e ser capaz de administrar meu tempo é necessário para eu fazer tudo o que eu quero fazer. Gerenciei meu tempo bem planejando o que eu tenho que fazer durante toda a semana. Isso me mantém na pista e evens me ajuda a ser mais eficiente. Resposta longa Gerenciando meu tempo é uma das minhas características fortes. Priorizo ​​minhas tarefas e isso me permite ficar à frente do cronograma. Cada dia eu administrai meu tempo para que eu possa conseguir mais do que eu quis fazer. Então, gerenciar meu tempo de forma orientada por objetivos é o que eu sinto muito confortável fazendo. 13.Como você lida com a mudança Você é bom em lidar com a mudança? Lidar com a mudança é comum no local de trabalho. Um simples sim não será suficiente para impressionar o entrevistador. Este é outro tipo de pergunta em que todos terão respostas semelhantes. Claro que todo mundo vai reivindicar ser excelente lidar com a mudança. Você deve comunicar que você é realmente bom em lidar com a mudança. Aqui estão alguns exemplos. Respostas curtas Estou bem em lidar com a mudança porque eu sou um pensador rápido. Se novas informações nos fizerem mudar nossa estratégia de marketing, por exemplo, eu vou ser rápido para analisar a informação e criar um plano para fazer as mudanças. Eu experimentei muitas mudanças anteriormente. Eu lido a situação acelerando rapidamente as mudanças e me aplicando para torná-las um sucesso. Eu sou bom em lidar com a mudança porque sou flexível com meu trabalho e habilidades. Não tenho medo de aprender coisas novas e difíceis. Sempre que estou diante de uma mudança, eu vou colocar um esforço extra para fazer a mudança uma transição suave. Eu lido mudanças suavemente. Sempre que há uma mudança de qualquer tipo, analiso a situação e sempre tento encontrar maneiras de contribuir com a mudança de maneira positiva. Resposta longa Eu acredito que lidar com a mudança é um requisito no local de trabalho. A declaração de missão pode mudar para introduzir um novo segmento de mercado, ou a empresa pode precisar mudar de direção. Seja como for, como membro desta equipe, espero que eu faça minha participação absorvendo a nova informação, analisando-a detalhadamente, compartilhando minhas idéias e realmente sendo um valioso membro da equipe. Lidar com a mudança é uma característica necessária. Eu também acho bom em antecipar mudanças ao estar atento e atento. No geral, esta é uma boa resposta. A última afirmação é uma declaração ousada de poder antecipar a mudança. Se o entrevistador estiver impressionado, eles podem acompanhar, pedindo um exemplo de como você antecipa a mudança. Se você usar uma resposta como eu forneci, certifique-se de que você tenha um exemplo. Se você não tem um, a resposta que você deu será vista como uma mentira e você provavelmente falhou. 14.Como você toma decisões importantes Existem muitas maneiras de responder a esta pergunta, e se você tiver um método razoável de tomar decisões, provavelmente será suficiente. Uma resposta que eu pensei incluir não ter medo de perguntar ao seu gerente. Você pode acompanhar dizendo mesmo as melhores necessidades de mentoring, e você sempre quer melhorar. Então, basicamente, isso pode funcionar como uma resposta, mas, dependendo do trabalho, você pode ter um tiro melhor com uma resposta como meu exemplo. Respostas curtas Eu tomo decisões importantes examinando todos os detalhes e depois pesando os prós e contras para cada decisão. Eu junto toda a informação que posso encontrar e com base na informação, vou chegar à melhor decisão que posso. Se eu sei que um colega de trabalho estava em uma situação similar, eu não hesitaria em descobrir os resultados para garantir que minha decisão seja a melhor. Eu acredito que todas as decisões devem ser tomadas com todas as informações. Se você está faltando um detalhe importante, é fácil tomar uma decisão ruim. Então eu tomo decisões importantes com todas as informações. As decisões importantes são tomadas pelo conhecimento através da informação e da sabedoria através da experiência. Vou reunir todas as informações que posso encontrar e, em seguida, aplicar minha experiência ao analisar a informação. Com essa combinação, estou confiante de que eu tomarei as decisões importantes corretas. Resposta longa Eu acho que todas as decisões são importantes, e ter tanta informação sobre a decisão é um dos aspectos mais importantes. Depois de examinar todos os fatos, eu pensaria sobre o resultado e as conseqüências de cada ação e depois de pesar os prós e contras, eu viria a melhor decisão possível. No entanto, estou ciente de que algumas decisões não são tão preto e branco. Nesta situação, eu dependeria da minha experiência, ou mesmo trabalharia com os membros da minha equipe para chegar à melhor decisão. Esta é uma resposta decente, mas acho que você pode pensar em uma melhor. Sinta-se livre para ser criativo com suas respostas porque essas são as respostas que o entrevistador lembrará mais. 15. Você trabalha bem sob pressão. Na maioria dos casos, a melhor resposta a esta pergunta está respondendo sim. Trabalhar bem sob pressão é uma boa característica a ter. No entanto, penso que se você responder que trabalha o mesmo com pressão e sem pressão, o entrevistador ficará mais impressionado. No entanto, você precisará explicar em palavras por que isso é melhor. Aqui estão algumas das minhas respostas. Respostas curtas Eu trabalho bem sob pressão porque uso a pressão para me ajudar a trabalhar de forma mais eficiente. Eu gosto de trabalhar sob pressão porque acredito que me ajuda a crescer. Na minha experiência anterior, sempre trabalhei bem durante os prazos, e sempre aprendi a trabalhar mais eficientemente depois. Eu trabalho bem sob pressão porque eu não estou entrando em pânico. Eu mantenho o controle de si mesmo e trabalho o mais eficientemente possível. Em todas as minhas experiências, eu fiz bem e sempre gostei da experiência. Em tempos de pressão, tento priorizar e planejar o máximo que puder. Depois que eu estou organizado, eu simplesmente coloco minha cabeça e trabalho duro de maneira inteligente. Eu não deixo a pressão me afetar. Então eu acredito que eu trabalho bem sob pressão. Respostas longas Para dizer a verdade, acho que trabalho da mesma forma se houver pressão ou se não há pressão. I try and take out negative emotional factors and work hard regardless of down time or busy time. I always prioritize and organize my work, and from there, work efficiently. If the situation involved pressure due to a lack of time, then the only difference in my work would be the extra time I would need to put in to meet the deadline on time. Since I believe my normal work is great work, then I suppose I work well under pressure. I like this answer because it is different than the standard answer. If you are not comfortable with this answer, then you can use the next one. I have a couple of friends who hate working under pressure. I dont know if its odd, but I really enjoy working under pressure. I use the feelings of pressure as a tool to motivate me to work harder and more efficiently. In my last job, I remember we had a project to complete in 4 days where it usually took 10 days. There was a lot of panic by some team members, but I ensured everyone that if we concentrate on the task and work real hard, we can complete the project. It took a lot of overtime, and the last day we were in the office until two AM, but we managed to finish. It was hard work, but I really enjoyed that experience. You might not have experienced this example before, but what is preventing you from making something up To tell you the truth, I never experienced it before either. There are some things you shouldnt lie about because they can find out about it such as your GPA or what school you attended, but a story such as the one I included above cannot be verified by the interviewer. The only thing you have to be careful about is being able to answer follow up questions. 1.Which category do you fall under A person who anticipates a problem well, or a person who reacts to a problem well This is a tough question because both options look pretty good. My recommendation would be to answer depending on the position you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a type of analyst or upper management position, then anticipating a problem would be more useful. However, if you are applying to be a nurse for a hospital emergency room, then reacting to a problem well is stronger. Short Answers I think its good to be good at both. But in my experience, I realized I react to problems better. Whenever Im faced with a new problem, I know what steps to take to deal with the problem. I believe Im strong in both, but I try to work more on anticipating problems. In this profession, its very important to anticipate a problem and fix it before it becomes a real problem. Im very observant and aware of whats going on, so Im stronger at anticipating problems. Im good at dealing with problems, so Im a person who reacts to a problem well. Long Answers I feel I react to problems well, but Im much stronger at anticipating them. Im a type of person that pays attention to detail, inconsistencies, and subtle signs. Basically, I want to find a potential problem and put measures in place to correct it before it happens. Its interesting to see how the people who deal with problems get rewarded for resolving the issue. What about the people who put the fire out before it even started So anticipating problems before it happens is what Ive always done and I believe its important in any work environment. Being a nurse requires many skills. One of the important traits is to be able to react to problems well. Reacting to a problem well requires the ability for quick thinking, ability to think of all the options available, and maintaining self control in hectic times. In my spare time, I even think about creative problems that might come up. Since a problem can arise at any time and in any form, I try to be as creative as I can and I walk through the situation as if Im dealing with the problem. So this has helped me to become very good at reacting to problems. The answer gets stronger with examples, so if you have experienced something that you can explain, feel free to use include it in the answer. Also, if you are unsure about how to say it, remember that you can ask us. 2.Are you a risk taker or do you like to stay away from risks This also depends on the position. But in most cases, I believe someone who likes to take risks is a better candidate. If you choose to answer saying you are a risk taker, you should include why and how you take risks. Short Answers I consider myself to be in the middle, but if I were to choose from my past experience, I would think I would call myself a careful risk taker. Im reliable and believe in stability and guarantees. My work will be based on facts without assumptions or guesses, so I tend to stay away from risks. I think its important to take some risks. I keep the options open and if the reward justifies the risks, I would definitely try. So Im more of a risk taker. I take risks because through planning and working smart, its possible to reduce some of the risk. So if theres a reasonable chance of success, I would take the opportunity. I see myself as a risk taker. But before taking the risk, I always evaluate all other options, weigh the pros and cons of success and failure, and after careful consideration, I would definitely take a risk if the rewards were high enough. I view staying away from risks similar to staying away from a gold mine surrounded by dynamite. Of course if you dont know what triggers the dynamite, it would be unwise to take that risk. But if you study the situation and know the location of all dynamite and the way they are triggered, then the risk is minimized. Some people would not explore the options to reduce the risk, but I would definitely study each situation and take a risk that would improve my personal or companys situation. You dont have to use the dynamite example. You can think of any other example. But I used this to clearly explain what I feel about taking risks. Not only did I choose to be a risk taker, but I also explained how and when I would take risks. 3.Why should I hire you I dont know if this is a common question, but I heard many people use this question. In all the interviews Ive been through, I never received this question, nor did I ask this question in any interviews I gave. But, there are a lot of people asking this question, so preparing for it is a must. To answer this question, you need to know exactly what they are looking for. With this information, tie it in with your strong traits. This will verify that you are completely qualified for the job. Second and more importantly, you need to stand out more than the other people interviewing for this position. I will give two examples for the long answers, one for a person with a lot of experience, and the other for a recent college graduate. Short Answers Im a perfect fit for this position. I have the experience and the traits you are looking for. On top of that, Im a great team player that gets a long with everyone. I should be hired because Im efficient, smart, and friendly. Im great at solving problems and love challenges. Most importantly, Im dependable and reliable. There are two reasons I should be hired. First, my qualifications match your needs perfectly. Second, Im excited and passionate about this industry and will always give 100. You should hire me because Im confident and Ill do the best job. I have a proven track record of success starting from high school until now. Im responsible and smart. This position requires someone that will work well without supervision. I know how to manage my time and organize my work well. So, Im confident Ill be the best candidate for this position. Long Answers This position is for a quality assurance manager, Im confident Im the best person for this job because of my past experience. At ABC Software Company, I was in charge of a team that was responsible for the quality of three different applications. I have intimate knowledge of quality assurance, product support, and even some creative processes that will benefit a quality assurance team. Ive built a team from scratch and fully understand the product development cycle. Finally, one of my traits is in developing and mentoring junior employees. I believe in transferring knowledge to everyone in the company and investing a little more effort into the people who work for me. So I strongly believe that Ill be the best candidate due to the combination of my experience, my managerial skills, and my desire to provide growth in employees. The reason I applied for this position is because the qualifications matched my strengths perfectly. Im good at juggling multiple tasks, Im very detail oriented, and I organize my time very efficiently. But the truth is that many people have these traits. But if I were in your position, I would hire myself because of the passion I have for this industry, and my optimistic personality. My education background and my strengths show that I can do this job. But I want to make more of an impact than just doing my job. I dont want to blend in with the company, I would rather want my addition to improve it. The first answer is using experience and skills to convince the interviewer to hire him or her. In addition to talking about past experiences, this example also emphasizes the strong ability to mentor people. The second example is more on the personal level and definitely more creative. Everyone one will claim to have all the good traits. So this candidate says it by saying, the truth is that many people have these traits. On top of these traits, this candidate is including passion and excitement. This is very important during interviews. Finally, the last sentence is a good line that the interviewer will remember. It is creative and bold. 4.Tell me about Qs. Tell me about a time you made a mistake. Tell me about type of questions are very popular. It is more effective because it is asking for an answer that comes from experience. If you dont have a particular experience in one of the questions below, make one up. You should prepare ahead of time because you dont want to make up a story during the interview. It will be too hard to sound believable. Finally, you should know that some questions will not be asked to certain job types. For example, if you are not in a management position, you probably wont be asked how you saved the company money. Or if you are not in sales, you wont be asked about making a great sale. These types of answers are usually long because it is explaining an experience. If you want the interviewer to understand the significance of your story, they will need to understand it. So all my examples will be a little longer than regular interview questions. Finally, a lot of these are my own experiences. I encourage you to think back to your experience and create one. Im providing my answers so you can see the structure and learn from my answers. Tell me about a time you made a mistake. The best answer for this question involves learning something from a mistake. If you are having difficulty thinking about a mistake you made that will be an effective answer, try to think of a lesson you learned that improved a good trait. Making a mistake is not good, but since you have to tell them something, you should tell them something that makes you look good. For an example, lets create a scenario where you learned how to be someone who anticipates problems. Short Answer I was given a project to complete in a week. I understood the project, but I misinterpreted one section. After completing the project, I was told by my manager that it was done incorrectly. I really made a mistake by assuming incorrectly in one of the sections instead of asking for clarification. I learned not to assume through the mistake I made. Long Answer I had a project I was working on, and while I was in the middle of typing up my documentation, my computer started acting weird. It froze for a while and so I rebooted. After 10 minutes, the computer showed a blue screen saying that there were problems and recommended that I reboot the computer again. After another reboot, everything appeared to be ok. I continued my work and finished for the day. I spent two days on this assignment and when I went to retrieve my data the next day to double check my work, my computer wouldnt start up. A technician came and found that my hard drive malfunctioned. I lost all the data and lost two days of work. I was disappointed and thought I would never trust a computer again, but there was a great lesson to be learned. I had a couple of warnings and I ignored them. From then on, I practiced being someone who can anticipate problems. I now think of potential problems ahead of time and pay attention to details along the way. If I applied this sooner, I would have saved the data on another computer and I wouldnt have lost a couple days of work. But I cant say I regret making the mistake because it made me someone who can anticipate problems better. This is a minor mistake, and you can say it is really the computers fault. But this is a good example because I wasnt really at fault. The computer was. But this example is wording it so it looks like the persons fault and it explains how a great lesson was learned. In the end, this candidate became a better person through this mistake. Learning from a mistake is probably the key point here, and this example demonstrates that. 5.Tell me about a time you made a good decision. Tell me about a time you found a solution to a problem. This is a little easier than thinking about a mistake. You should make sure to include why it was a good decision and the result should be obviously meaningful. I also want to use this as an example of answering multiple questions. I would use this same answer for either of the two questions above. It was a good decision, and I fond a solution to a problem. Preparing for every interview question in the world will be too much work. Think of key experiences and apply them to multiple answers. In the case where it is the same interviewer, then you might be forced to think of a new answer. So it might be good to think of couple of answers. Short Answer During my last project, we ran into a difficult problem. This was high priority so everyone was instructed to find a solution. I started looking for more information on the Internet, I even talked to a different manager on a different team. This helped tremendously and our problem was solved. I made a decision to use every resource I could find, and in the end, it solved the problem. Long Answer In my last position at Microsoft, there was a time period where our group was going to slip reaching our milestone by one day. This was because the day before exiting the third milestone, we found a problem in the program. Since we created a new build with all bug fixes each morning, we had two choices. We could either fix the problem and verify the program the next day after we build again, or we could postpone the problem and fix it in the next milestone. Both options didnt sound very appealing. I suggested fixing the program now, and perform another build to verify the fix instead of waiting for tomorrow. Many times people are used to following a process, but in this case, I challenged the process of building in the morning and requested another build to verify the last bug fix. In the end, we were able to complete milestone 3 on time and fixed the important problem. This was significant because if we didnt exit milestone 3, then everyone waiting to start work on the next milestone would have to wait another day. In essence, this saved a days work for more than 30 people. For this example, I was careful not to use too many technical jargons that might not be understood. I also explained the situation carefully and explained why the decision was a good one. Remember that some of these answers will not work for you. In this case, if you never worked at Microsoft and never experienced this, just follow the steps of stating the problem, explaining the choices, why you made the decision, and finally why it was a good decision. 6.Tell me about a time you made a poor decision. This question is similar to the mistake question. So first, lets think about what lesson we want to learn. A common mistake is when people make assumptions. Ill give an example where a poor decision was made due to making a bad assumption. The answer will also include what was learned and how the poor decision was used as a tool to become a better worker. Short Answer When I was doing an audit for a small company, there was a problem with one of the accounts. I tried to contact the company to ask questions, but they were not there. I made the decision to keep looking for the answer. Four hours later, they returned my call and I realized it was a simple typo. I wasted 4 hours of my day. In this case, I was too sensitive about detail. So I learned how not to be so detailed and picky. Long Answer In my first month working at Tiffanys selling jewelry, I made a poor decision by making an assumption. A person buying an engagement diamond wanted to see some rings. Its not polite to immediately ask for a price range, so I showed the person a variety of rings. He pointed to a ring that was about twelve thousand dollars. The diamond ring he pointed to was one of the more expensive ones I showed him. Eager to sell him the ring, I explained the quality of the ring, explained our satisfaction guarantee policy to him, and made sure he was comfortable with making a purchase at Tiffanys. He bought the ring, and I thought I made a great sell. However, it turns out that on my day off, he came in and exchanged the ring for one that was twenty five thousand dollars. It was one of the rings that I didnt show him. So basically, I made a bad decision on selling him what he first pointed out instead of showing him more options. I assumed that the initial ring he selected was the price range he was looking for. I never made that mistake again and I learned that I shouldnt assume so much. This example is geared towards sales, but like I said earlier, make sure to clearly explain the situation, identify the decisions, explain why it was a bad decision, and most importantly what you learned by making a poor decision. 7.Tell me about a time you fired someone. Firing someone is a difficult task. Usually you will not be asked this question unless it is for a management position. You should emphasize a couple of key things when you answer this question. First, you should be very professional about firing someone. Second, you should mention the procedures you took so the action of firing is justified. Ill give an example for someone who has never fired someone and an example for having fired someone. Short Answers In my last position, I had four people reporting to me. One of my direct reports failed to show up on time, complete assignments, and really didnt care about the work. I tried to encourage the employee, assign different types of work to him, and even sat down and showed him how to do things. After 2 months of trying, I had to let him go. Our company was down sizing and I had to let two people go. Its easier when a person does a terrible job, but if everyone is doing there job, its more difficult. I had to select the bottom two performers and explained why they were being let go. Long Answers During my second year as a manager, I had to fire one of my directs. I cant say it was a difficult task because not only did he not do his job well, he didnt want to try. Initially, we put him on probation monitoring his work, we tried to give him different types of work that he might do better at, and we even assigned a mentor to him. However, even through all this, he was a weak performer. I consulted with other management members and we all agreed it was best for the company to let him go. I got together with an HR representative and told him that he no longer has a job here. He wasnt surprised at all. He just picked up his things and left. Ive never had to fire somebody yet. I believe that a manager should mentor and lead all team members to be a solid performer. But I know that there are some people who cant or wont perform despite managements best effort. So in that case, I would have to let someone go in a professional manner following the procedures set by the company. Both of these are good answers. They mention that a manager should take actions to make the worker better, but sometimes turning something bad to something good is impossible, so the only action is to fire someone. The person with experience outlines the steps taken. For example, the probation, assigning different work, providing a mentor, etc. Then in the end he was fired. The second example shows despite experience, that he or she would fire someone in a professional manner following procedure. 8.Tell me about a time you hired someone. If you hired somebody before, you know you could have hired someone great, or someone bad. If you have both experiences, you can ask if they want to hear a bad hire experience or a good hire experience. Sometimes the question will be, tell me about the time you made a bad hire. In that case, then you dont have to ask. Ill give an example of a good hire and a bad hire. Short Answers I found a resume on the Internet that was a perfect match for one of our open positions. I contacted the person and we talked for about 10 minutes. During that call, I explained why our company was a great place to work and the opportunities we offered. After a couple more calls, he agreed to come in for an interview and we made an offer. He became a great employee. I received a resume but it didnt have all our requirements. I initially thought she wasnt a fit, but after looking over the education background and the previous work experience, I thought this person would have more potential than other candidates. After interviewing her, we extended an offer. She was a quick learner and performed at an exceptional level. Sometimes its important to see potential and in this instance, it was a great hire. Long Answers In the last company I worked for, we had a recruiting team. They go through all resumes and submit the ones that would be a good fit for a particular team. I received a resume and after looking it over, I was quite impressed. I called him for a phone interview and after that we scheduled a full interview. He aced almost every question given to him by 5 different interviewers. We made a reasonable and fair offer. He mentioned that he was considering another company. I called him to touch bases with him and reiterated the opportunities, the great environment here, and ultimately that we all looked forward to having him join our team. I tried to make the phone call more personal and warm to show him that our group was a place to be comfortable. He joined our team and became one of our strongest performers. It took a little extra work, but its important to take extra steps when you see someone who is going to be great. I had one bad experience when hiring someone. I remember I was following procedures and verifying everything I could from past experience, checking communication skills, personality, work ethic, technical skills, and some tough logic problems. We even had 4 different people interviewing this candidate. Everything looked great. But when the person started, he had a hard time understanding new concepts. I originally thought it was because he was new and had to ramp up on many things, but as months past by, this employee was still unable to work alone. He always had to ask how to do even simple tasks. I remember going through his resume and looking over his background and even thinking about where we missed this flaw in the interview. Using this same interviewing procedure, we hired many great people. But this one turned out a little sour. The first question is straight forward. This person took it one step farther by making a phone call and encouraging the candidate to join his team. But the second answer is an example of doing everything right, but seeing bad results. You can use something like this, but if you do, you must think of follow up questions such as, what did you do to this employee What happened in the long run Did you end up firing this person But I recommend you think of a situation that you personally experienced. Then you can answer all follow up questions easily. But if you never hired anyone before, then simply say that. It shouldnt hurt unless it is for a recruiting position. 9.Tell me about a time you failed to complete an assignment on time. If you are a good worker, then you probably havent failed to complete an assignment on time. But if you have a lot of experience, you might have some situations where external factors caused you to miss a deadline. This is what my example will be about. But if you have an example where you failed to complete an assignment, make sure you give clear reasons why you failed and what you learned from it. Also, if you cant think of any, then use an example from your university days stating. But if you do, make sure you tell them that so far in your job experience, you completed all assignments on time or ahead of schedule. Short Answer One time, I had a project that was due on Tuesday. On Friday I analyzed our progress and I was ahead of schedule. I didnt have to work over the weekend to complete the assignment. On Monday, my manager was sick so I had to attend several meetings that took all day. Because of that, I didnt complete my assignment until Wednesday. Now, I try to finish my assignments a day or half a day early because something unexpected could come up. Long Answer With proper planning and good execution, I think its hard to fail at meeting a deadline. But I remember one time in the middle of the project, our clients wanted to change one aspect of the assignment that we already completed. I analyzed the change request and told them that we wouldnt be able to make the date. I estimated that it will take three additional days. They insisted that we finish on the agreed upon time schedule. I told them wed try but could not promise anything. Even with hard work and overtime, we missed the due date. We did however, finish one day late. In this situation where I didnt feel we could reach the deadline, I specifically told them that we couldnt, I continually sent updates on the progress to keep the clients informed. Since we missed the deadline, they were not too happy, but overall they were satisfied because I effectively communicated the progress regularly. I like this answer because they want a situation that should make you look bad. Instead, you gave them a scenario where you failed to complete an assignment, but really it wasnt your fault. In the end, this answer makes you look good because you did everything right from communicating properly, giving them a new time frame, and reaching the goal two days ahead of schedule despite missing the original date by one. But just in case they ask what you could have done better, you can say something like, I feel I should have been more firm with the three additional days I requested. I like to meet difficult deadlines, but I knew the additional work was too large to finish on time. 10.Tell me about a time you found a solution to save the company money. This question is also for a management level position. If you are not in management, then you probably wont face this question. But just in case, here are a couple of answers. If you are not in a position to save the company money, then you could think of something small. Short Answer Hmmm I wasnt really in any position to save the company money, but I have one small example. When we were a smaller company, we didnt get a significant corporate discount on our hardware. After we grew in size, we qualified for the larger discount, but nobody realized that we now met the quota. I pointed this out and we started saving 5 more on our hardware. Long Answer We were outsourcing a portion of our work to a 3rd party company. We had two phases for this project. After the first phase, I was given the task to complete the work because the original worker responsible for this project left our group. I quickly got up to speed on the details of the work. I analyzed the information and realized that one portion of the work given to them couldve been done by our group because we already had the infrastructure in place. So I only spent half a day to set this up and in turn, we were charged 35 less for the second phase from the first one. This is a simple story of an experience. It doesnt include every detail on the type of work that was outsourced, or what I specifically did during the half days of work. If they choose to ask this, then I will be prepared to answer it, but this answer gives enough details to allow the interviewer to understand how you contributed in saving the company money. Also, depending on the field of work, answers will vary. If your job specifically oversees the finance, then it is probably important to think of a much better answer specifically for that position. Think of some scenarios, write them down, and feel free to ask us if the grammar is correct. 11.Tell me about a time you aimed too high. This is another question where you can turn this answer into a good experience. I am going to be using the answer as the one where you failed to complete an assignment on time. This is good practice to use a similar answer by changing only a few sentences to answer another tough interview question. But first, Ill give an example of a different short answer. Short Answer We had a new project that I was interested in. Even though I was busy, I volunteered to take on the assignment. I had to work so much more. Although I managed to complete the assignment, it really burned me out. I feel I aimed too high and I would have benefited by doing a better job on my current assignments instead of wanting more challenges. Long Answer I believe aiming high is a good practice. Aiming high keeps me focused and forces me to grow by trying to reach high goals I have set for myself. But I know there are times where aiming too high is not good. For example, one time in the middle of the project, our clients wanted to change one aspect of the assignment that we already completed. I analyzed the change request and told them that we will not be able to make the date. I estimated that it will take three additional days. They insisted that we finish on the agreed upon time schedule. I told them we would try but we could not promise anything. Even with hard work and overtime, we missed the due date. We did however, finish one day later. I challenged myself to complete on time, but with the large change request, it was too high of a goal to reach. In this case, I really aimed too high. I should have been more firm telling them that we will need a few more days. This is a similar experience we already used, but you changed the beginning and the end to tailor it to this question. Remember that you can use one answer for multiple questions. This answer should make you look good instead of looking like you made a terrible mistake. 12.Tell me about a time you aimed too low. I have never been in sales, but the example answer I want to give is an example of answering the question while displaying good traits. Remember to be clear when explaining your experience and dont assume that they will understand everything. You should explain it step by step. Short Answer There was a new project that I was interested in. Because I had other responsibilities, I didnt volunteer. I wasnt too busy, but I was worried I wouldnt complete the assignment on time. I realized I missed a wonderful opportunity because I aimed too low. Long Answer When I was selling cell phones for Verizon Wireless, I had a great month where I reached the quota in just two weeks. My goal is to always break quota by more than 10 percent, and this month, I new it was going to be easy. I scheduled to take a week off to relax, and at the end of the month I surpassed the quota by 31. I had an opportunity to break the locations record, but I didnt jump on the opportunity. I was basically thinking that having achieved my original goal of 10 was sufficient. But I think when opportunities arise, I should be flexible and willing to change my goal. I aimed too low and I missed a rare opportunity. This is not a bad mistake. You can say you were burned out, or needed to take some time off, or wanted to rejuvenate yourself. This answer doesnt show a failure, but shows a great success. In this example, aiming too low resulted in great numbers and great results at the end of the month, so there is no harm done. In the end you are indicating that you could have done even better, that you are willing to re-evaluate your goals, and that you are now able to see and jump on opportunities. 13.Tell me about a time you made a great sale. This is similar to the question, what does it mean to make a great sale You can change the words a little and use the answer for both questions. The key to this answer is explaining what it means to make a great sale, and then giving a good example of a great sale that you made. Short Answer I had a customer come in that was a little rude. He had many questions and cut me off very frequently. I stayed patient and explained everything to his satisfaction. He ended up representing a medium sized business that required a large order. I feel this was a great sale because I treated this customer with respect and patience. Long Answer Making a great sale can be measured by how much the company made, but I think making a great sale is how satisfied the customer is. A satisfied customer will return and continue to be a valued customer, so its important to make sure that the customer is satisfied. One day, a customer was debating on two different types of watches. One was 1200 and the other was 400. This was a huge difference. I believe I could have sold him the 1200 watch, but instead, I laid out all the pros and cons for him, and asked him questions to find out the purpose of the watch, if it was for casual wear or formal wear, and eventually helped him realize exactly what he was looking for. He ended up buying the 400 watch. Some people might think that was not a great sale, but I felt as a salesman and a person representing the company that I did a great job in satisfying this customer. In the next couple of years while I was working there, he came and bought many more items and had other friends come in to buy more products. I can confidently say that the 800 in missed sale resulted in thousands more for the company. This example has several key points. First, this answer is telling the interviewer what you believe is a great sale. Second, it is giving a good example. Finally, it is showing a good sign of an employee by saying, a person representing the company. All salesman or someone who works with customers is representing their company in some way. Saying this casually in an example is definitely powerful. 14.Tell me about a time you went over budget. If you go over budget, it is a bad sign. It can mean you are not organized, do not plan well, or are not good with finance. So when you think of an answer, make sure you justify it with a good reason. Here is an example of what I am talking about. Short Answer During our marketing campaign, we realized how many customers we were gaining through the radio advertisements. Although we didnt have budget for more radio advertisement, I still made the decision to place our ad on three more stations. We increased sales by 25 for that month, but I ended up going over budget by 5. Long Answer There was a project that had a strict 4 month deadline. I didnt have enough employees to complete the task, so I had to hire temporary workers. I was given a budget to either hire three extra heads for four months or to hire four extra heads for three months. Because of the importance of the project and the strict deadline, I chose to hire 4 temporary workers for 3 months to give us a time cushion at the end. We had a couple of unexpected obstacles and it turned out that we needed the temporary workers for another two weeks. We completed the project on time and everything turned out well, but in this instance, I went over budget by 5. Due to the importance of this project, I didnt want to risk slipping the date. Even though everyone was congratulating me on this accomplishment, I feel I could have done better if I calculated a cushion for unexpected obstacles. This answer is admitting to going over budget, but the reason was good enough. The answer indicates that by saying how everyone was happy and making sure to say how important the project was. In the end you say you learned something. But you can change this answer a little. If you want to be more clear on the importance of the project, you can say a monetary value, like it was a two million dollar deal, and going over budget by 10,000 was acceptable by upper management. School Related Interview Questions 1.What extracurricular activities were you involved in If you dont have any work experience, then a company wants to know what extra activities you did in school to see if you are active. It is best to list a couple of things describing what the group is and what role you had in the group. If you were not a part of any group, it might be ok to make something up. It is hard to verify this so they will not find out. But it could back fire, if the interviewer happened to be in the same group at the same university. Short Answers I was involved in our school newspaper. I was one of the writers for three years. I was very active in our university politics. In my senior year, I was the vice president of the University. Besides studying, I played baseball for our school. I really like to study and to stay physically active. I was involved with a group that helped awareness of environmental problems such as pollution. I was on a team that educated people about driving alternatives such as buses and carpooling. Long Answer I was very active in the university magazine committee. I was a member of that group for four years. I helped write articles about events occurring in school. In my senior year, I was the editor and did less writing and more managing in regards to the magazine structure, what contents to add, and distributing work among the junior members of the group. I really enjoyed my experience there and learned about working closely together as a group to deliver a quality magazine. If you dont have work experience, then you will need to say something to show them that you learned some valuable lessons such as team work. I suggest you to reflect on what you did during school and create a list of what you learned. 2.Why did you choose your major Why did you choose to major in History If you are a computer science major interviewing for a computer position, then they will not ask you this question. But if you are an English Literature major and interview for a computer position, then they might want to know why you chose to major in English Literature. To create an answer for English Literature, you can say things learning to be a better communicator, having better reading comprehension, and say how skills learned from English Literature can be applied towards many fields. But something like History is different. Unless you are going to be a Historian, its hard to justify how your major is going to help you in your job. Short Answers I majored in History because I enjoyed learning about the past. I always try to apply my history knowledge in many things I do. This knowledge allowed me to study many different experiences. I majored in English because it was a major that would make me more skilled in reading, writing, and communicating. I believe English is a tool that is used everywhere, so I thought it was the best major for me. I majored in Psychology because I was interested in seeing how the mind works. I also found it useful because it helped me to work with people better by understanding differences in everyone. I majored in Biology because I initially wanted to go to med school. Although I decided not to go to med school, I still wanted to complete my bachelors degree. Long Answer I majored in History because I always had a strong interest in historical facts. I grew up very close to history and chose this major because I really enjoyed the subject. I planned on becoming a high school history teacher or even a professor, but then I started to get into computers. Its totally different from history but it really fascinated me. Now, instead of looking in the past, Im always looking into the future through all the technological changes. It doesnt connect the major to the job but at least it gives an explanation. Its not bad to say you majored in something because you liked the subject. The only bad answer is to say you didnt know what else to do and you couldnt get into a better department. 3.If you redo college again, what would you major in I already explained this a little in another question about restarting your career. You can use the same answer here if you want, but I will give one more example of not changing your major in the long answer section. Short Answers I didnt realize I was so interested in computers until I graduated college. So if I could select a different major, I would major in Computer Science. I liked the fact I completed my degree in English. But if I could redo college again, I would like to double major in English and Business. I would liked to have majored in Engineering. I have a strong interest in hardware so I believe Engineering would have helped. I would choose to major in Marketing in the Business School. I really enjoy this type of work and having more background would have helped me to excel more. Long Answer If I were to redo college again, I dont think I would change my major. I liked the fact that I majored in Business and I believe it will help me with my career. Im pretty good with the computer, but I would like to have taken more computer classes. Because technology is growing so quickly, I think I would have benefited from having a deeper understanding in computers. This answer demonstrates a good choice in the beginning. I included the portion about computers because they want to see something you would have done differently. And making the comment about computers shows the interviewer your understanding about technology to some degree. But dont say this answer without first stating that you are pretty good with the computer. 4.What course did you like the most What was your favorite subject When you answer this question, use a subject that helped you become a better person or a better worker. Although this question is asking for you opinion and there is no wrong answer, you should take advantage of this question by showing your strengths. Short Answers I really enjoyed an English writing class I took. This class taught me to write more clearly and concisely. My favorite subject was Physics. It really helped my logic abilities and I use this knowledge to solve problems in a variety of ways. There was a speech class I took that I really enjoyed. It helped me to speak in groups better and I learned to speak professionally in front of an audience. My favorite subject was applied science. I really enjoyed learning different ways of applying science into ordinary things. Long Answer I really enjoyed majoring in electrical engineering and it really helped me to prepare for my career, but the class I enjoyed the most is probably a couple of psychology classes I took. Although it didnt help me in any technical way, I learned a little bit about human behavior and learned how the brain works. I started to understand the reasons for my strengths and weakness instead of just knowing them. Also, it helped me to understand people who are different than me. This is a simple answer but a very good one. An engineer is mostly technical and they might lack skills in human interaction. So an engineer saying their favorite course was psychology demonstrates that this person has both technical skills and the ability to work with others better. It lists several good examples such as understanding both strengths and weakness along with understanding different people. 5.What course did you like the least What course did you struggle in the most This is an easier answer because you dont have to show off your strength here. All you have to do is make sure you dont pick a subject that relates to your job. It is also safer to pick something that most people do not enjoy. Finally, picking something that you are not good at is acceptable if it is not a skill required on the job. My long example will be about a drama class. Short Answers I didnt enjoy history that much. It wasnt that difficult, but it didnt allow me to think creatively. Most of the classes I took were about memorizing dates and facts. So history is my least favorite subject. I struggled in a music class the most. I really enjoy listening to music so I tried to learn a little about it. But it was a disaster. My tone was off and I couldnt tell if something was flat or not. My least favorite class was probably poetry. During that course I struggled writing a real poem. I realized I am not a poet. I disliked my geography class. It wasnt difficult, but I simply didnt find it very interesting. Long Answer For me, I had a tough time in my drama class. I didnt realize that I was a terrible actor. I didnt think it would be that hard, but week after week, my instructor would point out problem after problem. He gave me a B, but I think it was because of my effort, not because of my abilities. I say this because when I saw myself on video, oh my gosh, it was terrible. You are putting yourself down a lot here, but in this example it is actually good. Interviewers are worried that a person who can act well will be able to lie about many things during the interview. A person without acting skills will not be able to hide automatic body gestures that the interviewer is looking at. Also, this answer is good because it shows that this person never gives up and puts in a lot of effort. 6.How will your performance in your worst class affect your performance on this job This question is another opportunity to show many good traits. You can display traits such as endurance, effort, and willingness to work on things you dont like. This is very important because during your career, you will have to do many boring things. This long answer will display that you are a person that will do good at any task. Short Answers No matter if I liked the class or not, I always tried my hardest. As a result, the lowest grade I ever received was a B. So Im confident that Ill be good at any task. I had one class where I really struggled. I asked more questions and studied more. As a result, I did very well. So even if Im struggling, I feel I can find ways to do a good job by putting in more effort. My performance in my worst class will positively impact my performance on this job. I struggled with a logic class, but I studied harder, researched more information, and I never gave up. Long Answers I remember I did terrible in my astrology class. I didnt have much interest in the subject and I really didnt know that I would struggle in it. I thought about just doing enough to make it through, but I decided that I was going to put some effort into it. I continually asked questions and studied more for this class than I did in others. I got a B for all my effort, but at least I didnt give up and I kept pushing forward. So now I know that whether I like a project or not, Ill do the best I can because its my responsibility. This answer shows maturity and the interviewer should like it. 7.How would your best friend describe you This answer can be short. Use key words that show how you are a good fit for this position. If it if a salesperson, mention things like, an easy person to talk, good personality, and dependable as the traits. But if it is for a manager position, then you can use different words like organized, helpful, considerate, and smart. So it all depends on the position. Most people will be honest and say what the best friend will actually say, but it is more effective to choose the words so it relates to the job. Here are some examples. Oh, lets see I think my best friend would describe me as honest, detailed, and very organized. I think my best friend would say that Im very responsible. Whenever our group of friends had to coordinate an activity, they always relied on me. My best friend would probably say that Im warm, friendly, and understanding. It doesnt have to be long, but dont blurt out the answer without thinking. Then it makes it appear as you are thinking about it instead of saying an answer you already prepared. 8.How would your professor describe you Same thing here, but you cant choose any words. You have to choose one that relates to school work. Select words that are general and that applies to most types of jobs. I think my professor would describe me as a great team member and consistent in my school work. This is good because school has group projects. It shows team work experience and it also mentions consistency. My professor told me one time that I was like a fireball. I always had a good attitude that positively affected other students in group activities. My professor always told me that I was very creative. He liked my papers because it showed that I really thought about the problem and tackled it in a different way. 9.How would your mother describe you You can use more personal words here because your mother knows you in a different way. I think my mother would say Im very friendly because I had a lot of friends and that Im very focused because I always finish what I start. This answer is showing two different types of characteristics. One is more personal and one is a good work trait. It also shows reasons by saying because Overall, these types of questions are not that significant and a short answer that is good should be fine. Since I was the oldest out of three, I think my mother would describe me as responsible and someone who is looked to for answers. My mother told me I was always smart. When I was younger, she was surprised to see As in my report card. After awhile, she would be surprised when I didnt receive an A. 10.Why are you applying for a job that you didnt major in Why didnt you pursue a career in your major In the United States the statistics for a person changing career paths is very high. Its something like an average person will change careers five times. Changing jobs is one thing, but completely changing careers is a big move. So this question is not that significant. If everyone worked in the industry as their major, then this question is more important, but because everyone changes jobs frequently, its no big deal. You just have to use this opportunity to show them how much you like the current industry you are in. Short Answers I majored in English because I liked to write. Because I didnt know exactly what I wanted to do, I majored in something I was very interested in. After working for a year on the marketing team, I realized that this is what I want to be doing. I majored in History, but during my senior year, I had an opportunity to work at an accounting firm. After seeing first hand at the work they were doing, I really wanted to become an accountant. I was planning on going to Dental School so I majored in Biology. After working with computers, I realized how interesting and challenging it was. So I studied computers on the side because I wanted a career working with computers. Long Answer I enjoyed majoring in psychology, but I didnt want to become a psychologist. I just found the subject to be very interesting. It also helped me to understand a wide variety of things. For my career, I wanted to be doing something I was good at and what I enjoyed doing. I had an opportunity to work at a smaller logistics company as an administrative assistant. During that time period they were short handed and I actually got to do some planning and organizing for one of the smaller clients. I didnt lead anything, but I realized how much I enjoyed the work. Ever since then, Ive been studying up on planning, logistics, and business. This example does three things. It explains why this person is not going into a field related to their major, it is explaining why this person is going into logistics, and finally it is showing passion for the industry and a desire to learn. Since you are probably competing against people who majored in logistics, you need to make an impression with your answer. So you should definitely show enthusiasm here. 11.During college, how did you spend your summer vacations The best answer is to have spent your summer productively such as working as an intern. Even if you did only one intern, the interviewer will like that. The worst answer is to say you didnt do anything. Or say you worked in the supermarket to get some money so you can party at night. So think of something productive, and if you dont have an intern experience, you can say that you spent your summer learning something new. My last two summers of college, I did an intern for a consulting firm. I gained experience working on office solutions for large companies. I have a strong interest in traveling, so I used my summer to travel. I went to Europe, Australia, Brazil, and China. Every summer, I took extra English classes. I also took some drawing classes because its one of my hobbies. So I spent my summers learning more things. My first two summers, I had to work to save money for tuition. But after saving enough money, I had a free summer. I actually ended up taking some computer classes to prepare myself for the business world. These days its a requirement to know computers, so I prepared for that. Although I said dont mention useless work, it is ok if it is for tuition. It shows financial responsibility. Finally, taking some computer classes for the summer is a great way to prepare for work life and it was a summer well spent. Make sure you have an answer that shows productivity. 12.What did you learn from your internship If you worked as an intern, your resume will say it. Your resume should also include a list of what you learned during your internship. You can answer this question repeating what was on the resume, but using full sentence and with more enthusiasm. In my final summer vacation, I had the opportunity to work as an intern for a public accounting firm. It was only for 3 months, but I learned a lot about performing quarterly tax services for small and medium size companies. I also learned to deal with time pressure and learned how to prioritize work to be more efficient. It was a great experience that I know will help me when I start my career. 13.Did you do any internships You should be asked this question if your resume doesnt have any internship experience, or if they didnt look at your resume. If you do have internship experience, then you can answer, that you do and say the same answer as the one provided with the question, what did you learn from your internship. But if you dont, you can simply answer that you didnt do any internship but give a good excuse. Sim. I did two internships. The first internship was for Johnson and Johnson. I worked in the distribution team, and my second internship was for Starbucks. At Starbucks, I had the opportunity to work on overseas venture. I did one internship for IBM. I was on the development team creating applications for business solutions. I love to travel and I realized that when I start my career, I wont be able to travel for long durations. So I used my summers to travel a lot. I spent one summer in Europe for 2 months. I spent another summer traveling between China and some South East Asian countries, and finally, I took a road trip through the United States. Traveling is not a bad answer. It is not as good as doing an internship, but definitely better than nothing. It is definitely not a wasted summer. Also, if the internship was useless and generic, then the interviewer will not remember this answer as a good answer. So it didnt do any good. In this case, traveling could be better because the example I gave is significant and interesting. Something different always stands out more. 14.If you could learn something such as a new skill, what would it be Whats the next thing you want to learn This is another type of question that has no wrong or right answer. That means you need to make your answer a little more creative so it stands out. Short Answers I would love to learn more about auditing. As a tax accountant, I primarily work on tax. But I like all aspects of accounting and I think auditing would be very interesting. The next thing I want to learn is how to make web pages. I think this skill can be used anywhere. If I want a personal web site, I would make it myself. And if my group at work needed an internal web site to organize activities, I would be able to make one. I want to learn the different ways to market globally. In my marketing team, I learned everything about marketing on a local level, but I would really love to learn about marketing to different countries. Long Answer I use the computer on a daily basis and know how to use everything I need to be good at my job. But sometimes something goes wrong with the computer for no reason at all. Because Im not a computer engineer, I have no idea whats going on. Basically, I have to wait for a technician to fix it. During these times, I want to kick the computer out of frustration. Mostly, it ends up being a problem I could have fixed if I new the details of how a computer works. So even though its not in my job description, I want to know how to fix computers at a basic level. I heard from many people who dont know computers that well that they get frustrated with them. So wanting to kick the computer is understandable and it is a little humorous. Wanting to learn a little more about the computer is always good and it would definitely help out with future work by not having to wait for a technician. Work Related Interview Questions I 1.If you could start your career over again, what would you do differently This depends on several factors. If your university major is different than your career choice, then you could answer that you would choose a different major to prepare you for your choice in career. Or if you started at a small company and didnt have many opportunities, you can say that you would have started at a larger company. This is not a significant question so a regular answer should suffice. Short Answers I started my career at a small company. I feel I would have benefited more if I started at a larger company. A large company usually provides training that I didnt receive, so I would like to have started my career in a larger company. I didnt know how much I liked working with computers until I finished college. If I had known earlier, I would have liked to have worked with computers earlier in my career. Long Answer Well, I majored in chemistry and now Im working in the marketing department for a telecommunications company. I had a lot to learn in the beginning, but I quickly learned what I needed to know to be an effective member of the marketing team. However, I always felt that if I majored in business or marketing, I would have started off with a better foundation. Im great at what I do, but if I could start over again, I would probably choose to have majored in business administration. This is an acceptable answer because the answer doesnt display any problems in the work history. Many people change careers or go into a field that is unrelated to their major. This is common, so answering this question using this answer is common. If you dont want to use this common answer, then thinking about a scenario early in your work career that you would have done differently might be more effective. 2.During your performance reviews, what criticism do you hear the most This question is primarily for people with work experience. If you are fresh out of college, then you will not be asked this question. The answer to this question should not disclose any real faults. Instead, try to think of something that doesnt sound too bad. Here is what I hear at my reviews and this is how I would answer this question. Short Answers I heard that I need to be proactive. I always perform at an exceptional level, but I didnt volunteer for additional work. I wasnt accustomed to it so Im glad that I received this criticism. I now practice keeping an eye out for additional projects I can take on. During my review, my manager told me to voice my opinions more frequently. He always liked my suggestions when I told him, but in group meetings, I usually let my manager speak. Now, I feel more confident that I can suggest my ideas in groups. My manager told me that I should send more updates. He told me I did my projects well, and that I was never late, but he would like more updates so he can report to his manager. Long Answer I actually like to receive criticism because it gives me information on how to improve. But the most common criticism I hear is hard to correct because I disagree with the comment. Im told that I should be more visible. Im told that I do great work and I do a lot of extra work, but in a large organization, its important to visibly stand out. Im not a person who likes to be secluded in the office. I like to go out and collaborate, I like to work with people, and I email my co-workers with valuable information that will help with their job, so I cant say I agree, but I always try to be more visible. This criticism is actually a common comment used by managers if they cant give you a good review score but have nothing bad to say about you. In large organizations, you are measured against your peers. That means if you do well, you might get a bad review score because everyone did better. Likewise, if you are just mediocre and everyone else is terrible, you will get a good review score. Because of this system, Im regularly told to be more visible. So when I answer this question, I make sure to back up my disagreement with examples of being visible. 3.Tell me about your last three positions This type of question is generally asked by lazy interviewers who want to hear you talk for a while. A better question would be to separate the three positions and ask them one by one. But some people will ask this question, so you should definitely prepare for it. You can use this as your advantage. If you dont have many good things to say about your second position, you can briefly comment on it and spend more time talking about the other two positions. Ill give an example in the long answer, but here are some short answers first. Short Answers Ive only had one position. In my last position, I worked as a marketing analyst for South American markets. I worked closely with partners in Chile and Argentina. Ive only held two different positions. In my first job, I was a lab manager for ABC Software company. I monitored 50 computers and performed diagnostics regularly. In my last position, I was a network engineer fixing network problems and trouble shooting bottlenecks. I worked as a translator for the King County court house. Afterwards, I worked as a translator for hospitals. My last position was translating help documents for a software company. Long Answer The first position I held was working at Radio Shack as a salesman. I learned a great deal about retail stores, about sales and working with customers, and became more independent. I thought I learned a great deal and enjoyed my work, but I wanted to experience different types of work. So I started working for Verizon. I had an office job and did a variety of different tasks such as planning, data entry, and organizing projects. I learned a little about the office setting, but I wanted to get back into sales. So I was given an opportunity to sell cell phones for Verizon at a retail store. I used my past sales experience and worked hard becoming one of the top sales person three years in a row. Ive been there ever since. I havent worked at three different positions, so I just made one up. The question is pretty general, so the answer is pretty general. It does emphasize sales skill and coming back to the type of work that this person enjoys. But you should think of something that is related to the position you are interviewing for. Only thing you should be concerned about it clearly explaining your past three positions, what you learned there, and if you did something notable, include that as well. 4.Tell me about your last position What did you do and how did you do it Include the people you worked for and the people you worked with. This question is a little better than asking about the last three positions. It is more direct and focuses on getting more information about the last position. You might not get this question with so much detail. It might just be, Tell me about your last position. But you can use the other questions as a guide when answering this question. You should mention what you did, how you did it, how you work in a team, what you learned, how well you did your job, etc. Short Answers I was a staff auditor for a small accounting firm. I performed audits for small to medium size businesses. This involved meeting the clients and retrieving data required to complete the audit. I worked closely with my supervisor that presented my findings of the audit to the clients. I worked for a large insurance company as an agent. I made sales to new customers and provided customer service to existing customers. I worked with three other people in my group and we helped each other by sharing ideas and experiences. I was a program manager for a manufacturing company. I was in charge of cost analysis concerning different quantities of manufacturing. I also worked on planning the procedure for the next deliverables. Long Answer In my last position, I was a senior auditor. My duties included auditing governmental businesses and Native American tribes. For all the audits I was conducting, I was the in charge auditor overseeing the audits of other team members and doing a portion of the audit myself. I have experience in conducting an audit from beginning to end without supervision and I worked with controllers and senior accountants on a regular basis. Along with working with experienced and knowledgeable clients, I also had to work with junior level accountants that didnt know all the details of auditing. I was clear and concise in asking for what I needed. In the last year I was working as the senior auditor, I planned and organized each visit to our clients site. I regularly trained and managed new members of our team and I was the go to person for technical auditing questions. The question wanted detail so the answer has to be a little long detailing some of the highlights of the last job. I included the type of people I worked for, the people I work with, the job description, and included that I was a great team member and a leader at the last position. Most of you will not be in the accounting field, so you cant use this example. But you should follow the steps of being detailed and showing off your strengths. 5.What is your management philosophy This is another question only for managers and above. You can make this short or long, but in the least it should be an answer that stands out. Think of a guideline that you follow as a manager that you think is a good philosophy to follow. Short Answers I think management should provide guidance, direction, leadership, and finally set an example to subordinates. My management philosophy is to provide an environment that leads to productive employees. I achieve this through conflict management, keeping the morale high, providing encouragement to low performers, and also rewarding the strong performers. I believe in setting an example. My favorite managers in the past were the ones that worked smart and efficiently. I learned a great deal and found that leading by example is a strong way to influence directs to work diligently. Long Answer Before I was in management, I had many types of managers. I learned a lot from observing their management styles. I also learned a lot from the bad managers I had. I had a manger who was never there, another that didnt care, and another that had a phrase similar to, do as I say, not as I do. So the traits I acquired are from my good managers such as working smart instead of working long, but the philosophy I always think about is from my bad managers. So I believe I should lead by example, provide guidance and growth by giving important feedback, and to be accessible to everyone. If you want a shorter answer that is to the point, you can consider this one. I believe management should provide guidance for employees to do their job well. This includes several meanings. First, it means management should provide challenging tasks related to the job that gives employees experience. This also stretches their abilities and brings growth. Also, by guiding employees to do their job well, it benefits the company by having productive employees. Questions that are related to what you think should differ person to person. So think what your management philosophy is and write it down. Put more thought into it and then you will be able to explain exactly what you mean. If you have no idea, then consider what I wrote down in my two examples above. 6.What was your favorite job I have never been asked this question, but I know some people who ran into it. That means you should at least give it a little thought so you can think of a good answer ahead of time. The best way to answer this question is to select a job that is most similar to the job that you are applying for. For example, if a person who is applying to be a financial analyst says their favorite job was being a salesman, then the answer is basically useless and not effective at all. Rather, you should say that you like your last marketing job because you have passion for it and you really enjoy it. Many people fail interviews based on lack of enthusiasm. So make sure you show them that you love the job you are applying for. My favorite job was working as a financial analyst. I wanted to pursue other areas of finance so I accepted a position as a financial consultant. After a while, I realized how much I enjoyed my work as a financial analyst so Im looking for a financial analyst position. The last position I held was my favorite job. I really enjoy all aspects of accounting and auditing. However, I dont want to limit myself to just governmental accounting so I want a position where I can be doing similar type of work but in a larger setting. My favorite job was the last position I held in the marketing department. Thats why Im applying for this job. Its similar to my last position and I really enjoyed it. Even though I really like my job, I want to experience the same work for a larger company. Thats the primary reason for wanting to leave my current job. This answer is brief but effective. It states that this person loves marketing. The second part of the answer is basically answering a question before it is asked. If you love your job, why are you leaving You can answer this in several ways, but my example is using the excuse of wanting to work for a larger company because it shows that I want to take the next step in my career. It shows that I want to grow and that I want to go to bigger and better opportunities. Basically, it is showing a little ambition without saying it directly. 7.Tell me about the best manager you ever had. This question is primarily used to see what you value in a manager. The best way to answer this question is to explain a little bit about the manager and list the things you respect. Also include that you learned how to become a good manager through your experience with your good manager. Short Answers My favorite manager was a person with a lot of knowledge. She stood her ground firmly and knew the best process to take by analyzing all the information. My favorite manager was very trusting and easy to approach. I grew in many ways under this manager and I valued his method of dealing with directs. I believe in growing employees and this manager did a great job. I had a manager that worked efficiently. Instead of bossing everyone around, he set an example of hard work through his actions. I respected that trait and learned to be more like him by working smarter. Long Answer The best manager I had was during my first year at Microsoft. Since then, I have been under many different managers, but nobody matched up to his level. I respected him the most because of two reasons. He spent a great deal of time mentoring me and teaching me many work related things. I became a great employee because of him. And second, he produced the greatest amount of quality work among all the other managers. I always wondered how he could spend so much time with me and still find ways to out perform other managers. But that is where I learned how to work smart and efficiently. He showed me how to be the best employee through his action and through the individual lessons he gave me. I was so happy to have had a great manager early in my career. This is an easy answer for me because I was truly amazed at my first manager. I made sure to explain why he was the best manager and what I learned from him. Another reason why it is important to be able to answer this question is because most great employees were taught by a great manager. 8.Tell me about the worst manager you ever had. Just like learning from a good manager, you should learn from bad managers as well. When you tell the reason why your manager was bad, make sure to include that you learned not to be like that. Short Answers In my last position, I had a manager who didnt like to give instructions. I managed to figure a lot of it out, but I would have saved a lot of time if my manager gave a simple 5 minute overview on the project. I had one manager that was very disorganized. Whenever I ask a question, he would look around his desk for a couple minutes looking for information to give to me. I like to be organized so this trait really bothered me. One manager didnt like talking to people. He always had his office door closed and whenever anyone asked a question, he seemed disturbed. He was very intelligent and produced a great deal of work, but as a manager, I believe you should be approachable by your directs. Long Answer The worst manager I had was when I was working at a database company. I didnt like my manager because he was never available. When ever he was given an assignment, he always delegated the work without explaining the details. We were told to figure it out. I believe that you can learn from figuring some things out by ourselves, but it was obvious that this wasnt his intention. But the worst thing about it was that I didnt know that he was bad until I changed to a different manager. He kept feeding us false hope saying we are close to being promoted. Basically it was a way to keep us motivated to work extra hard. Sure it worked for a while, but I didnt gain anything else out of it except what not to be as a manager. This is a pretty easy answer that just explains the behavior of a bad manager. If you havent had many managers, then it might be difficult to think of one. But you should definitely think of an answer even if you have to bend the truth a little. Although my example was ordinary, you can make a better answer by listing out what you learned through your bad manager. 9.What could you have done to improve your relationship with a manager you didnt like This question could be a follow up to the question about having a bad manager. In my case, I didnt know he was a bad manager until I switched managers. But here is a generic answer that shows professionalism. Short Answers If I communicated my problems earlier, I feel we both would have benefited. I waited several months before approaching my manager, and after our talk, our relationship got much better. So I could have improved my relationship by talking about problems sooner than later. I feel I should be more understanding of different work styles. I didnt like my manager not communicating enough, but that didnt mean we couldnt approach him. So Im learning to work seamlessly with different types of people. One of my managers gave too much criticism. I value criticism, but hearing something negative every other day was difficult. I think I could have communicated how the criticism affected me in order to improve our relationship. Long Answer I had a manager in the past I didnt like that much, but I couldnt say he was a bad manager. Our personalities conflicted and we had some arguments. This affected my performance and willingness to work in the beginning, but I asked myself this same question. I thought I should try to get along with my manager despite my personal feelings. I set them aside and maintained a professional relationship. Taking this approach really helped. Because I was willing to look past minor differences, our work relationship got stronger and I performed at a higher level. This answer shows that this person took proper actions before it was too late. It shows that this candidate has the ability to work with managers and team members despite personal differences or feelings of dislike. When you think of your own answer, make sure you answer this question showing that you dealt with this problem before and that you overcame the situation. 10.What were the most memorable accomplishments in your last position What were the most memorable accomplishments in your last career Both of these questions can be answered with the same question. If you do not have much experience, it might be hard to think of a good answer. Also, if your previous job was very simple or followed a regular routine, then a memorable accomplishment might be hard to think about. So take a lot of time to think of anything. Because answering this question with nothing to say is basically the only wrong answer. Here are some ideas. Did you save the company money Did you create a new process and put it into place Did you break a sales record Did you meet a difficult deadline You can use all of these types of experience for this answer. Short Answers I remember the day I completed an audit from beginning to end all by myself. Since I was an entry level auditor, this accomplishment really felt good because it was my first major step. One day our director came out of his office asking who wrote up the documentation for ABC firm. I didnt know if he was upset or impressed. I said I did it and he basically said, great job and went back to his office. This was memorable because the director never did this before. The most memorable accomplishment I had as a sales associate for a software company was closing a deal worth 17 million. This was the second largest order our company ever had and it felt like hitting a grand slam. Long Answer My last position was selling copy machines. I had one month where I broke the sales record for a given month. I think that was a great accomplishment. However, throughout the calendar year, I exceeded the average number of sales by 20 ten out of twelve months. Having a great month is good, but I feel it is a greater accomplishment maintaining solid numbers throughout the whole year. I think the greatest accomplishment in my last position was implementing a simple process that reduced the number of broken builds by 20. Whenever we have a broken build, it slows down work for 20 different people. That puts risk on slipping the ship date. But my process involved following 25 steps prior to building to ensure a successful build. The 25 steps only took 15 minutes to complete and we reduced the number of build breaks significantly. It worked for our product and upper management instructed other groups in our organization to put this process in place. I really felt excited about that accomplishment. These two examples are different. One is for a sales position and the second is for a technical engineer position. Both of them are great accomplishments. Sales is easy to answer because you can just throw out numbers and it sounds good. The second is a little more difficult because you have to explain the situation a little. But make sure you explain your scenario enough so the interviewer can see the significance of your contribution. 11.Why do you want to leave your current job There are many wrong answers to this question. Some of them include saying things like, I hate my job, I hate the company, Im not appreciated there, I hate my boss, Im sick of working there, etc. Basically, anything negative is a bad answer. If you say something negative, they will think you will eventually get into that situation again while working for them. So I highly recommend you have a good answer that leaves a positive impression while displaying good traits. Short Answers I want to find a company with more opportunities. My previous company was very small and didnt have opportunities for growth. After learning about the work environment here, I felt this is exactly the type of place I want to work. My current company is very large and its difficult to do different tasks. We have routine work that never changes. I want to work in an environment where I can utilize more of my skills. Our family moved to live near a better school district for our children. This area is great and I want to find a job closer to my new home. My previous job was too far away to commute. Long Answer I really enjoy what Im doing, but I feel Im following a routine. I looked around for more opportunities to grow, but because the company is small, Im very limited. I want to work in an environment that will help me realize my full potential and a place I can contribute everything Im capable of doing. My current job doesnt provide these things for me and thats why I want to work here. I know ABC Company has a lot of opportunities for growth and encourages employees to take on challenging projects to learn more. That is what Im looking for. This answer shows a couple of good traits. It also shows excitement and mentions the company name. It is personal and direct. This is a generic answer so you can use this if you want. If you decide to think of your own, make sure it displays good traits and the reason for wanting to leave your current job is not a negative reason. 12.Where did you tell your boss you were going Where does your boss think you are I highly doubt you will be asked this question. But it is true that interviews are conducted during office hours. That means if you are employed, then you will have to have a reason for not working. There are a couple of options. If the interview is less than two hours, you can schedule one during lunch time. If so, you can say you told your boss that you had to take care of some personal matters and you are taking an extended lunch. Another option is to tell the interviewer that your boss is aware of your interview schedule. But make sure it is true. I dont know what the best way to answer this question. But if I had to respond to this question, I would answer by saying Im taking a personal day, or a vacation day. But make sure you dont say you are using a sick day. That is a complete lie and the interviewer will see that you are willing to lie for your personal gain. I wasnt required to tell my boss because I used one of my vacation days to be here. Im really excited to have this interview opportunity and using a vacation day was very well worth it. This answer is turning an awkward question into an opportunity to show enthusiasm for the interview and the company. This is a key example where little things count. By adding the last sentence, the interviewer is sure to remember your answer more. That is because he or she will see your enthusiasm and excitement. If all the answers are the same, this one will be sure to stand out. When interviewing, everyone has similar answers. The key is to find opportunities to put in little extra comments to give you the advantage. 13.Are you currently employed at the last place listed on your resume This is a simple yes or no answer. I do not recommend lying. They can find out and if they catch you lying, then you lost your chance at this job. The reason this question is important is because someone who is currently employed appears to be a better candidate than someone who doesnt have a job. I do not believe it is true that an employed person is better qualified for any job, but it is one of those things that most people grew up with. If you are currently employed, then simply answer yes. You dont have to say anything else. If no, then you can say something to justify your reason for not having a job. But make sure it is a good reason. Otherwise, it might be better to simply answer, No, Im not currently employed. 14.What is the title of the person you report to What responsibilities does he or she have This is a trick question for people who are giving them a bigger title. An interviewer will know what you really did by finding out what your manager does. For someone who didnt prepare for this question, he or she will fall into a trap. Lets say a person said he or she was a manager. If the interviewer asks this question and the person responds by saying similar types of responsibilities, then something is wrong. Why do you have the same responsibilities as your manager To prepare for this question, make sure you answer that your manager did higher level work than your own. The work that you mention you did should be showing off your skills, but your manager should have even greater responsibilities. Then it really shows how high you are. The example Im going to give represents me as a Group Program Manager. Short Answers He was a sales manager. His duties included scheduling, customer support, and managing a group of 15 sales associates. My manager had a supervisor title. He was in charge of distributing work to staff auditors, reviewing final audits, scheduling business trips, and he also performed audits as well. My manager had the title Test Manager. She was in charge of delivering high quality features for each software application. She planned each project giving a timeline of completion, worked with management from different groups to make sure quality is assured, and provided direction to our team of 20 testers. Long Answer The title of the person I report to is Product Unit Manager. The Product Unit Manager is responsible for overseeing the entire project. He uses the information from Test, Development, and Program managers to make sure the project is on line. He also is the person representing our whole group and reports progress to the vice president of our organization. He provides high level guidance and direction making sure we are following our mission statement. Other people who report to him are the Development manager and the Group Program manager. The more details you provide the better your answer. It ensures you are telling the truth and that you are aware of what you need to be able to do to take the next step up. Finally, a great way to answer this question is to know what position you are applying for and then list off the responsibilities of the person you would be reporting to if you got hired. That will make the interviewer think that you have very similar or exact experience for the job you are applying for. 15.In your previous position, how much time did you spend on the phone In your previous position, how much time did you spend in meetings In your previous position, how much time did you spend working by yourself In your previous position, how much time did you spend working in a team These questions all depend on the type of position you are applying for. If the position is a product support position, then time spent on the phone is going to be large. Lets say your previous work involved working alone a lot, and the position you are applying for requires a lot of teamwork. Even though you worked by yourself a lot, you should emphasize the work you did in teams. If this is the situation, then I would say I did a combination of both. In my last position, we had large projects that involved multiple people. We had meetings to discuss the project and worked in teams whenever it involved overlap of feature. After the meetings and working with the team, I was required to finish my work by myself. So it was quite balanced between meetings, team work and working by myself. This is not an extravagant answer, but it definitely shows that this person is capable of working in groups and working alone. Most office work requires a combination of working in groups and alone, but if your situation is different, then answer according to what the interviewer wants to hear. 16.If you dont leave your current job, what do you imagine you will be doing in several years There are several things the interviewer wants to learn from this question. The interviewer knows you are looking for another job because you are not happy with where you are at. Knowing this, they want to find out how you react to situations where you are not happy. Most people who do not prepare for this question will have a generic answer that doesnt stand out. You can use this opportunity to give a solid answer. Im confident Ill be in a management position several years from now. In my current position, junior employees ask me many questions and I like to mentor people. My work is very routine and Im very efficient. I want to find more challenges my work currently doesnt offer. To tell you the truth, I feel Ill be doing the same thing Im doing now. I always look for more work and different opportunities, but my current company doesnt have many opportunities for advancement. Im a very proactive person and Ill continue to do my job well. Ill always look for opportunities and even create places where I can improve my work. I know if I continue to perform well, Ill have more opportunities to get promoted when a position opens. So hopefully, in several years, Ill be managing people that are in my current position now. Despite having some negative feelings about work, this answer shows that he or she will continue to do hard work regardless of being unhappy. You shouldnt say you are unhappy, but looking for another job is one indication of not being happy. 17.If youre very happy with your current job, why do you want to leave If you portray that you are very happy with your current job, then they might ask you this question. I was in a very similar situation and I will include my answer as the example. You can use other reasons, but make sure it doesnt contradict you being happy. Short Answers I like the work Im doing and I like everyone on my team, but I have a strong desire to learn other aspects I cant learn in my current position. I have been in my current position for four years and I want to gain experiences in other areas. I love my job, but I want to grow more as a professional. I love to learn new things and after several years in my current position, I realized I was doing the same thing over and over again most of the time. So the only reason I want to leave my current job is to broaden my knowledge by gaining other experiences. Long Answer I have been with my previous group for more than three years. I was doing the same thing on a regular basis. Although we received different projects from time to time, it was very similar to my previous work. So I had a desire to gain new experiences and learn from different products. I believe having a variety of experience is good for my career so I made the decision to leave my current job. This is simple and direct. It answers the question without including unnecessary excuses. It also shows my desire to grow, learn more, and improve myself. This is a good indication of a good employee so using an answer like mine is a safe answer. Work Related Interview Questions II 1.If you have problems or complaints with your current job, why havent you brought it to their attention If the interviewer knows you have complaints about your current job, then they might ask you this question. Make sure the complaints are things that do not make you look bad. For example, having no opportunities is a good complaint, but not getting a good raise is a bad complaint. After you decide on the complaint, then you can create your answer around it. It is better to answer that you did bring this up multiple times. That way, you are displayed as honest. Short Answers I actually told my manager several times. I told him about my desire to learn new things and take on new challenges, but there arent many opportunities in my current group. I believe in being straightforward, and I told my manager on numerous occasion that I was interested in taking on more responsibilities. However, my current group doesnt have opportunities Im looking for. After working the night shift for a couple of years, I wanted normal working hours. I told my manager about this, but there was no positions available for regular hour shifts. Long Answer My biggest complaint is that there are no opportunities to grow. My manager tells me Im doing great work, but I feel I am stuck at this level. I spoke with my manager for more work so I can grow and gain more experience, but unfortunately, there isnt any work to give. I even had a discussion about changing roles, but because there is no open headcount in other divisions, it was hard to do that. So I definitely conveyed my desire for more work or for change, but it was something they couldnt provide. Having an employee that complains about a lot of things is an employee you do not want to hire. However, if an employee complains about not having enough work, it could be seen as a good complaint. Most work places have more work than resources, so giving more work isnt a problem. So this complaint shows that you are a person who wants to work and wants to learn. These are good traits and that makes this answer a good one. 2.Give me a specific example at your last position where you increased revenue. Give me a specific example at your last position where reduced cost. Give me a specific example at your last position where you made things more efficient. These are very similar to the Tell me about type of questions. They want a specific example from your work experience. But if the position is an engineer position, you will not get questions about revenue and cost, but you might get one about efficiency. In other questions, I gave an example of reducing cost, so I will use this time to give an example of increasing revenue. Short Answers As a sales associate, I do my part in increasing revenue by making more sales. Even if Im having a good month, I continue to work hard to make sure our company is continually increasing its revenue. Its something small, but in our office, everyone left there monitors and lights on. I simply put up signs to turn off their monitors and to turn off office lights. This really helped and our VP even told me he appreciated the small effort. We provide many different brochures for our clients, and when we get low on a specific brochure, we have to order each one separately. I created a small tool that automates this process and saved about 30 minutes of work each time we ordered brochures. It was something small, but my manager appreciated it. Long Answer In my last position, I was the manager for a Japanese restaurant. We were located in downtown and realized that not everyone had a full hour for a lunch break. I created a system to turn 5 of our dishes into meals that would be ready in three minutes. We put up a sign indicating that we would have meals in less than three minutes and revenues jumped 30. I considered the location of the restaurant and saw an opportunity to provide meals to customers that wouldve never considered our meal due to their lack of time. The store owner was really proud of this accomplishment. All examples will be different because everyone has different experiences. When you think of your own, you should primarily be concerned about how clear you are. Think of something you did and put them into words. Having answers ahead of time will keep you organized during the interview. 3.What do you feel an employer owes an employee This purpose for this question is basically to see what you expect from the company. It is a simple answer, but you should also mention what you will give, in return for what you are expecting. Short Answers I believe an employer should provide a good work environment and opportunities for growth in return for hard work. I believe an employer should respect their employees and treat them fairly. I plan on working hard and I should be recognized for my contributions. I believe an employer should provide an environment where everyone can succeed. I also believe that opportunities for growth and advancement should be provided by the employer. Long Answer I have a lot of expectations from my employer. Financial compensation is a given, but there are other things I expect. I feel an employer should provide a good work environment, opportunities for growth, reward and recognition for excellence, and guidance in career development. I know I will be giving everything I can to help my employer succeed, and in return these are some of the expectations I have. If you look at the list of things I mentioned, all of them are strong indicators of a good employee. If a person is wanting to grow and guidance in career development, then that worker is serious about improving him or herself. Also, wanting reward and recognition for excellence indicates that this person is going to try to achieve excellence to get the reward. I would try to avoid saying things like, having a good sick day policy, or an understanding of missed days due to miscellaneous issues, or mentioning a good maternity leave plan. These things are all provided by large companies, but mentioning them indicates that you are a person who gets sick easily, or a person planning on having a baby, or an unlucky person that misses work due to bad luck. 4.What do you expect from your manager This question should be answered that shows what type of worker you are. Mention things that will help you to become a better worker instead of mentioning that you want an understanding manager. Short Answers The most important thing I want from my manager is constructive feedback so I know where I need to improve. I want to continually grow and having a good manager will help me achieve my goal. I expect my manager to provide work that is relevant to both the company and my growth. My manager should know my strengths and also help me work on my weaknesses. I expect my manager to be a smart person who works hard. If my manager is setting a positive example, I believe Ill be more encouraged to work harder. Having a manager that bosses people around without doing any work is very discouraging. So I expect my manager to lead by example. Long Answer I expect my manager to give me relevant work, to be accessible, setting an example through action, providing both positive and negative feedback so I can improve, and finally a manager that will help me succeed. Ultimately, I know its my responsibility to be a great performer, but having a manager that I can learn from can help me grow that much more. Thats what Im looking for. This example shows the use of key words such as, succeed, great performer, improve, and grow. Each item listed demonstrates a desire to work hard and to improve. If you want to think of your own answer, keep this in mind. 5.Would you like to have your bosss job Unless you have a better answer, the best answer for this question is a yes. However, you should clearly state that you want to learn everything and eventually move into a similar position. Do not sound like you are a person who is going to steal the job, but rather someone who is going to work hard to earn the position. Short Answers When I gain a little more experience, Ill be looking to find a position that is similar to my managers job. But for now, I want to continue to learn as an employee while helping the company grow. Im always learning new things and in time, I would like to have my bosss position. I believe Im on track to become a manager and Ill continue to work hard to prove my abilities to the company. Sim. I have several years of experience and I also took on projects to learn more about management. I dont necessarily want to replace my manager, but I would like to learn more about management so I can be ready when a position is available. Long Answer I would definitely like to have my bosss job. However, before taking on that role, I want to gain more experience and learn from my manager. I believe in thorough preparation and I am doing everything I can to learn more about management and taking on more difficult projects. I know through my hard work I will eventually have the opportunity to have a similar position to my boss. Being ambitious is important and this answer shows that. It also shows that this person has a strong understanding on the steps to become a manager by learning about management and taking on more responsibilities. Finally the last sentence displays confidence. If you are creating your own answer, make sure use a similar structure as this one or if not, make sure it is better. 6.What did you hear about us What do you know about us What do you think we do at this company I feel this question is not to quiz you about your knowledge about the company. It also doesnt test if you researched this company or not. I feel that this question is to find out what you know before they explain some things about there company. You should understand that if you are a strong candidate and you are doing well on your interview, then they will start sharing some things about the company to entice you to take the position. However, it could turn out to be a quiz so make sure you do your research before interviewing for a position. Short Answers I heard that ABC Company is the leader in copy machine distribution. ABC Company is a global company in 18 different countries, and finally, its one of the best companies to work for. I heard ABC Company has a great work environment and a place where strong contributors are rewarded. I want to work for a company with opportunities and I know ABC Company provides these things. I read on your website that ABC Company provides accounting services to small and medium size corporations. I also know ABC Company is the leader in tax services in this area. Thats why Im excited to have the opportunity to join this company. Long Answer I heard a lot of good things about ABC Company. I know this company provides financial services to small and medium size corporations. Specifically, ABC Company focuses on creating automation for routine financial transactions. Besides what the company provides, I heard that the office environment is great and the employees are well taken care of. You dont have to list everything you know just enough to let them know that you did your homework. Also, take a little time to give the company a compliment such as the last sentence. It is a psychological tool that you should use to your advantage. This type of compliment is directed at the company and the interviewer will be happy to hear this. 7.What do you know about our product Do you know what our team is making This is another type of question they ask to find out what you know so they dont tell you something that you already know. If it is an existing product, then you should definitely know what it is. If not, and after you researched as much as you could, tell them the little that you know. For example, I interviewed for a group within Microsoft that was very new. I had no idea what the team was creating but I was interested because it was a new technology. I found out as much as I could and when they asked me this question, this is how I answer. There isnt much information about your products yet, but I heard you are creating new technology to create a more secure database. I worked with databases most of my career and the thought of more security really interested me. I heard this company is creating a camera lens for deep sea photography. Because my major was in engineering and my hobby is in photography, I believe this is the perfect position for me. I hear this group has several functions. It has an incubation team that grows new ideas and if the product has potential a new product is formed. I also hear this group creates solutions for companies to entice them to buy more Microsoft products. I didnt know much, but after researching, this is all I could find. This is exactly what I said and they responded by telling me more detail. It wasnt wrong, but at least I said enough about the group to sound like I researched a little bit. Thats basically all you have to do for this question. 8.Have you managed people in any of the positions youve held If your resume states that you are a manager or states that you manage people, then they wont ask you this question. It is for those that are not in a defined management position. Basically, they want to know if you have any experience managing people. I do not recommend lying. They can keep asking questions until they find you in a lie. I would recommend telling the truth. Ill give two examples. One is my experience of managing two temporary workers. And another is an example that would show some managing experience without actually saying you managed people. Short Answers Yes. I have one year experience in managing three people. I distributed work to each member of my team, provided assistance and guidance, and mentored each employee to be a better employee. I have three years of experience managing people. I managed a team from 3 people to a group of 10. Most of my duties as a manger was to make sure our projects were on track and that each employee was completing their work. Ive never managed people yet, but I have 2 years of experience mentoring new employees. I took several courses on management and I feel Im ready to take the next step of managing people. I didnt hold a management position, but I was in charge of several projects where I had to manage a group of 4 workers to complete projects for a three month duration each. These projects gave me great experience in managing people. Long Answers Ive never been in a management position yet, but I did manage two temporary employees for a one year duration. During that time, I was given a large area of work to cover. I planned and organized the work to distribute to the two extra workers. I managed their work and kept track of how many hours they worked each week. I met with them on a regular basis and provided feedback on where they are doing well, and where they needed improvement. Their time in our team ended after we completed the project. It wasnt a management position, but I gained experience in managing people. I never held a position where I was managing people, but I had a lot of experience where I was in charge of large projects. Although it was my co-workers, I had the experience of taking the lead on projects where I had to manage people for a specific time period. Although I didnt experience the full aspect of managing people, I learned how to bring people together, how to use individual strengths of each worker, and how to organize and break down a large task to distribute to several people. If you have management experience, then you can tell them about your experience. But if you havent, then it might be good to show them that you have some experience in managing people as I illustrate in my example. 9.What types of people do you have trouble getting along with Even if you believe you get along with everyone, the interviewer will not believe you so dont say that you do. I recommend thinking about a type of person that is a bad worker. Use that person as an example and then explain what you do to put effort into the troubled relationship. Short Answers I get along with almost everybody, but I tend to get frustrated at people who always say yes and end up not delivering. I expect honesty and integrity, and saying yes should mean yes. Im very understanding of different people and different work styles, but I have a hard time with people who only do work that is seen by management. Theres so much work that needs to be done and not everything is seen by the manager. So I get upset when work is neglected. Long Answers I get along with almost everyone, but I think I have the hardest time tolerating people who think theyre always right. Not everything is black and white and many times there are multiple ways of doing something. In my last group, I had a coworker that believed his way was the correct way. Thats fine, but when you try to explain another view point, he doesnt listen, starts to talk louder and he begins to think its a debate. I avoided him for a while, but realized I should put in an effort to deal with his personality. For a follow up question, the interviewer can ask you what you did in this situation. Here is an example of dealing with this type of person. Basically, I had to change the way I talked to him. I was very careful with my words and always said something like, thats a great idea, but could we add this to it or I definitely agree with you, but can I get your opinion on this method. To tell you the truth, I would rather not deal with a person like that, but I thought the right thing to do was find a way to deal with him so that is what I did. The reason why it is acceptable to say you have a difficult time dealing with people like this is because everyone will have a hard time dealing with this type of person. So it doesnt make you look bad because you cant get along with this person, however, this is a good answer because it shows taking initiative to correct the relationship. 10.Who do you think are our two major competitors I never received this question, but it is very likely if it is important to know competitors. Make sure during your research, you also investigate the competitors of the company you are interviewing for. You can make your answer if you know more details such as market percentage of each company, or if it is a product company, what products they make. For the long answer, Ill give an example of a person interviewing for a marketing position for McDonalds. This is a good example, because one of the competitors is obvious. It is Burger King. But what is the second competitor. That is the significance of this example. It gives you an opportunity to explain your opinion of the second competitor. But the figures Im giving for all the answers are fake. You should make sure you research numbers so you can use them in your answers. Short Answers The number one competitor to Verizon is Cingular. After they merged with ATampT, they became the largest cell phone provider with a 19 market control. The next competitor is Nextel. Although they only have 10 of the market, they are increasing in strength. The two competitors of Nokia are Motorola and Samsung. Motorola has a strong presence in the United States where Samsung is more global. Microsoft is competing with many different companies because Microsoft provides many different software. MSN is growing and AOL is the number one competitor for this business, while the Microsoft OS is challenged by Linux because its free. Long Answer The biggest competitor is Burger King. Where ever you see a McDonalds, its common to see Burger King near by. They specialize in flame broiled burgers and use that as their marketing strategy. The Whopper is their number one selling burger selling approximately 30 more than all their other burgers. The second competitor is Wendys. Although in some regions other hamburger stores sell more, if you take international sales into consideration, Wendys clearly is a strong competitor. They advertise opening late and concentrate on their dollar menu luring people in to buy other more expensive items. This example clearly demonstrates knowledge about the industry instead of just McDonalds. Knowing the industry is important because and this question gives you the opportunity to show that off. This example also demonstrates an understanding of the international aspect of selling burgers. Finally, their marketing strategy is included in the answer. When you are interviewing for a position, make sure you know as much detail as you can to show that you are knowledgeable about the whole industry. 11.Why do you like sales You can answer this question in numerous ways. But to make your answer effective, you should think of an answer that will show your strong points as a salesman. Make sure to cover your own traits that are important to sales. Here is an example. Short Answers I like sales because I like talking with people and Im good at making people feel comfortable. I enjoy sales because it requires strong communication skills and thats one of my strong traits. I like the challenge of making a sale and I feel good whenever I make a good sale. I like sales because it fits my personality. I enjoying working with all sorts of people and I like to provide great customer service by answering questions about products professionally. Long Answer Ive always liked sales. I enjoy working with and talking to people. Im good at making people comfortable and I also like the challenge. In the past with my friends, I heard comments frequently that I would make a good salesman even before I got into sales. So basically, I like sales because it fits my personality and I really enjoy it. This is a simple short answer. Not everyone can be a salesperson. They need to have the right personality such as good communication skills. You dont have to have a great answer for this question. But the most important aspect is showing that you enjoy sales. 12.Do you see that stapler Convince me to buy it. This is a test to see if you are an experienced salesperson. I do not have much sales experience but I would answer this question by thinking of salesman I encountered in the past that I felt was good. Think about your experience with sales people and list what they did. For example, they probably follow a format. First, they explain what the product is. Then they tell you the functionalities and where you can use it. Third, they should tell you how much easier it will make your work. Fourth, it should have a good warranty. The question didnt give you details. So feel free to make something up. It will show your creativity. Continuing, the product should have a good return policy. Finally, you can talk about the reduced price, or the price guarantee. Short Answers This stapler is the newest model with easier to use features such as quick loading and safety protection. It also comes with a money back guarantee for any reason if you are not satisfied. This stapler is on sale for 30 off. The manufacturer is a new company so their prices are great right now. They have a great warranty program and it will save your company a lot of money with the substantial discount. This stapler has the best value. With a 15 lower sticker price, it provides identical functionality with the more expensive brands. Its durable and staples through more paper than the other brands. Long Answer We are proud to carry this stapler. Its very durable and easy to use. Loading the staples is as simple as clicking this button on the bottom to open the top. The design is made with more curves to make it more appealing on the desk. It also is designed with more safety in mind. If you accidentally drop the staple on your foot or hit it with your hand, the curves are smooth enough where it will not break the skin. The warranty on the stapler is great too. It comes with a five year guarantee. We are currently offering this stapler for a low price of 19.99, and we have a low price guarantee. If you find a lower price in the next thirty days, we will gladly pay you the difference. If you are applying for a sales position, you have to be ready to be able to sell anything in the room. I would recommend thinking about an outline. Get that in your head. Then use the outline to practice selling variety of things. You can use my answer as an outline covering features, functionality, safety, design, warranty, and price. But dont limit it to just these, if you have another idea, add it to this, or make up your own. 13.How long have you been looking for a job I dont know if this is legitimate question for an interviewer to ask, but it is definitely possible. I dont like the question, but at least we should think about it and prepare an answer. If you have been looking for a job for like eight months, it could sound like you are a bad candidate because nobody wants to hire you. Instead, I would take a different approach than answering honestly. If the resume shows you have been out of work for a year, then you have to explain the one year. You have two options. First, you can be honest and say you have been looking for one year, or you can think of a good excuse. Its hard to lie and sound believable so Im going to give an honest answer. If you have a good excuse for not working for a long duration, feel free to use that as an excuse. Short Answers I sent out my resumes just last week. Im very excited to join a company where I can help out. Ive been looking for about a month now. Because of the slow economy its taking a little longer than I expected, but Im confident that I can be a valuable asset to any company. Its been about 2 months now. I wasnt as aggressive in the beginning because I was taking some classes, but now that Im done with class, Im really trying now. Long Answers To be honest, Ive been looking for a job for quite a long time. The job market hasnt been that great and its been a little rough. But I spent my year productively by reading up on new technologies, self studying, and trying to challenge myself with small projects. I definitely learned a lot and Im really ready to start working again. If you have a real excuse such as a sick mother you have to take care of, here is an example. I have been out of work for a year, but I have only been looking for a job for about 3 weeks now. My mother had cancer and I wanted to spend the final months with her. She passed away and I can starting work again. I dont recommend lying for this question. It could turn bad if they find out the truth later. Telling them the truth like my first example shows honesty and shows that you tried to stay productive. 14.Why havent you received any offers so far What offers have you received so far This is another type of question that most interviewers will not ask. But just in case, Ill provide an example. For the question asking what offers have you received so far, you can simply list the ones you have received without details. For example, I received offers from Boeing and InfoSpace. But if they ask you why havent you received any offers, then your answer will depend on if you have an offer or not. If you do, then you can politely correct them by saying, Actually, I received an offer from Intel. But I didnt respond with my answer yet because this company is my first choice. If you do not have any offers, then you can say something like this example. I just started interviewing this past week, so its a little too early to tell. I recently started looking for a job, but Im hoping that Ill receive offers soon. I received one offer from a smaller company, but I want to see what else is out there. I like what this company has to offer so Im hoping everything turns out well today. Ive only interviewed with two other companies so far and I have a second interview with one of them. Its too early to tell if Ill be receiving any offers right now, but Im confident that I will get a couple. This answer is suggesting that you are actively interviewing. Mentioning a second interview with another company also shows that you passed the first interview stage. You are not admitting to any fault by not receiving any offers, but simply saying it is too early because you havent been searching for a job that long. If you have been looking for a job for a long time, then you will not be able to use an answer like I just showed. Instead, you might have to be honest and try to put the blame somewhere else. More likely you will not receive this answer, but just in case, here is one more example. This example admits directly to not receiving any offers but shows diligence and shows that this person doesnt give up. Most of the jobs I have been applying for require more experience than I have. Also, because the job market is rough right now the competition has been pretty tough. But I plan on self studying continually and I know through my diligence that I will get a job soon. 15.If you dont understand your assignment and you cant reach your boss, what would you do This question is seeing how you react to ambiguous situations. Also it checks to see how resourceful you are. The best way to answer this question is to provide step by step actions you would take in this situation. Short Answers I would investigate the assignment deeper by searching for more information, asking coworkers or other managers and make the smartest decision on how to tackle the assignment. There are many places I can look for clarity. I would look through some books, or the Internet, or my peers, or even other managers. If I try to look for answers, most of the time I can find them. I would first see what the deadline is and if my manager will be back before the deadline. If not, then I would leave a message on my managers phone. Afterwards, I would ask my peers or other managers to see if they know the assignment. I believe investigating the assignment further will help me understand it. Long Answer First, I would read the assignment again thoroughly to see if I missed a clue or anything. I could even turn to the Internet and look up other documentation if it was something like a difficult process I didnt know. After investigating this assignment, and I still dont understand it, then I could turn to my peers and see if anyone has done an assignment similar to the one I received. If my peers do not know either, then I could ask my bosss manager and verify with him. After exhausting these options, then I would have to make a decision on how to do the assignment and make the best decision I can on how to tackle the assignment. Before engaging in the assignment, I would leave a message on my bosss cell phone. There might be a better answer, but in my experience many interviewers are looking for a process of reaching a goal. In this example, it shows each step from beginning to end. Feel free to add or change these steps after thinking about it. Work Related Interview Questions III 1.If everyone on the team is a veteran, what will you do to fit in and be a beneficial team member instead of a person who appears to be in training This is actually an easy question. Everyone should have a similar answer because there are only a few things that you can do. Im going to be giving an example of preparing and reading up on information more than usual. Short Answers In this situation, Ill have to ramp up quickly and study notes from previous meetings before attending any. Ill also do a lot of studying to catch up so I can participate in discussions instead of appearing to be in training. In the beginning, Ill put a lot of effort into catching up on any existing projects I join. I believe studying a lot in the beginning to be aware of what is going on is very important. Ill study as much as I can to fit into a group of veterans. I know Ill have many questions along the way, but listening carefully and putting pieces together will allow me to catch up quickly. I know Ill be able to be an effective team player in a short time by following this method. Long Answer Even if everyone is a veteran, I feel confident I can fit right in. I would prepare as much as I can by reading existing material to catch up on the project. I would plan for meetings by making a list of questions I have and finding the answers to these questions before the meeting. I would also create a list of ideas through the documents I have read. A fresh mind could help with creative solutions. I know that I would be required to study a lot in the beginning, but I would be able to do so at home or by working late in the office. This answer shows steps of becoming a team member that doesnt appear to be in training. It is describing ways to limit training times in meetings, and includes that a new worker could benefit an existing team by making a list of ideas. 2.How do you intend to learn what you need to know to perform well for this job We have a similar question here, but we can use this opportunity to see another example. Short Answers I have experience in learning new concepts without training. I usually look through books or manuals to find answers. Because Im good at learning, Ill study relevant material to help me do my duties well. I have experience in this area so I wont need much training. However, I know different companies have different ways of doing things, so Ill learn company policies and methods quickly to apply my existing knowledge to do a good job. The first couple weeks are important. I think its important to study the correct material, ask the right questions, and put in extra effort to learn what I need to know. This is what I usually do to make sure Ill be performing well. Long Answer If the company provides training, Ill utilize the training to learn. If not, then Ill learn by being attentive to what other people do, read up on the documentation, and be willing to ask questions when necessary. I know the first couple of weeks are important and Im willing to put in extra effort to start off on the right track. This example is shorter and more to the point. It is not an answer that will astonish the interviewer, but it is an answer that will show couple good traits about yourself. 3.If your supervisor tells you to do something that you believe can be done in a different way, what would you do This question is designed to see how you would react to your manager when you disagree. It is important to trust your manager, but at the same time, not follow blindly. That means I should ask questions to clarify, make suggestions, and after a discussion, follow the instructions of your manager. This is the steps I would take to answer this question. Short Answers I will tell my supervisor of an alternative way and explain the benefits. If my supervisor is not convinced, then Ill follow his instructions. Ill suggest a different way of doing the assignment along with the benefits. If my supervisor disagrees and insists I do it a certain way, Ill follow the instructions. Ill suggest a different method and ask my supervisor if I can do this work the new way. If the result will be the same but would potentially save more time, then I believe my manager will allow it. However, if my manager wants it done a certain way for other reasons, Ill follow his or her instructions. Long Answer I would question my supervisor why he or she wants it done this particular way. If I still dont agree with the method, I would suggest alternate ways of tackling the assignment and explain how my suggestion would be better. After having a good conversation, if we still cant see eye to eye, then I would have to trust my superior and follow his or her instructions. This is a solid answer because it is showing independence by having my own suggestion and thought, it shows I can think for myself, and finally, shows that I would be an employee that trusts the supervisor. Ultimately, this answer shows that Im a smart person willing to make adjustments. Ill take a moment here to clarify something. How does this answer show that Im smart and a person willing to make adjustments Well, many times, the interviewer will not see exactly what you want them to see. However, even if they dont see all your good intentions, they will at least get a good feeling about you through your solid answers. 4.If youre told to do something that you feel is illegal, what would you do This is an easy answer. Unless you are interviewing to be a gangster, you should have a similar answer to mine. Short Answers I would first verify if its legal or not. If it is legal, then I would continue with the work. If its illegal, I would not do the work and tell my manager that this work is illegal. I would also let Human Resources aware of the situation. Id verify if the work was legal or not. If it wasnt legal, then Id confront my manager and my managers manager with this incident. I wouldnt jump to any conclusions. I would rather question my manager to verify if it is illegal or not. If Im not convinced through facts, then I would investigate through other means. If I find it is illegal, I will not continue with the work and inform Human Resources of this incident. Long Answer If Im not sure, I would verify whether its legal or illegal before performing the task. If I find it is legal, then I would continue with the task. If not, then I would report the request to the boss of the person who asked me to do it. If the boss does not take appropriate action, I would find out why and report the incident to Human Resources myself. This is making you sound firm and stubborn. But in this situation, you have to be bold with your answer. You cannot let them think that you would hide the fact. This is especially true if you are interviewing for a finance or accounting position that deals with money or other important information. 5.If you were unfairly criticized, what would you do This is the hardest question I have to answer here. Being unfairly criticized is one of my biggest pet peeves. I hate it when it happens and I usually blow up. I get mad and start to argue. But as you know, this is a bad answer to this question. They are asking you this question because they want to see if you will react professionally. Any answer that shows professionalism will be good. Short Answers Id probably ask for clarity on the criticism. I think its important to accept criticism for self improvement, but if its unfair, then I will clear things up by asking for clarity. When Im unfairly criticized, I usually think about the criticism and try to view it from a different angle. If I still cant see why I was criticized, then Ill approach the person and initiate a dialog to resolve the unfair criticism. I usually use all criticism to help me grow. If I was criticized unfairly, there must be a little truth to it. Ill learn as much as I can from it, but if it was really out of line, I would definitely approach the person and ask for clarity. Long Answers If I was unfairly criticized in private, then I would initiate dialog asking why he or she thought this way. I would try to understand their point of view and explain my point of view. If I was unfairly criticized in public, then I would be a little upset but I would wait to address the problem until the person criticizing me was alone. I would do this because if Im upset, I wouldnt want to start an argument without thinking. So after some time, I would approach the person and ask him or her why I was criticized. If it was justified, then I would use that as constructive criticism to improve myself. If not, then I would tell that person that it isnt good to publicly criticize someone when they are not sure if it is correct. This is a professional answer, but it could sound like you are a weak person. If you want an example of becoming upset, then this is how I would get upset in a professional way. If Im publicly criticized unjustly, I would immediately ask that person on what grounds he or she is saying that. One of my pet peeves is putting someone down in public and if I dont say anything there, then this person is getting away with something terrible, and everyone there will think I did something wrong. I would keep my temper in check but make sure that people know the criticism wasnt justified. 6.What are you looking to gain from your next job The answer will depend on where you are in your career. If you are new, then you want to gain more experience and learn a wide variety of things. If you have a lot of previous experience, you might want to find something challenging and more opportunities for growth. Short Answers I want a position where Ill be challenged. I want to learn a lot of new things and I want to continually grow. So Im looking for a job that will provide these things for me. I want to gain experience in many areas of accounting. I want a position where things are not routine and where many of my accounting skills are utilized. In my next job, I want more opportunities to write automation. In my previous position, we didnt have these opportunities because we outsourced this work to other groups. Long Answer For the last several years, I have done a wide variety of things. I have set my goals and continually moved forward. I have worked in a time constraint environment, juggled many tasks at one time, and even managed several people. However, one of my goals is to improve my creative side of design. Working for a large company demands a lot of work from each designer. So although creating graphics came naturally for me, I never had the luxury of creating work without being pulled in four different directions. So I want to find a position where I can use more of my creativity. This is a stronger answer than the generic one about learning and finding something challenging. This answer displays a lot of experience, ability to work hard, and the ability to deliver items quickly. This person answers by saying he wants to find a position where he can use more creativity, while showing off his credentials as a good worker. 7.What aspects of this job interest you the most This is a question to see how interested you are in the position. For this question, how you talk will be more important than what you say. Many people fail interviews due to the lack of enthusiasm, so make sure you sound excited when you answer this question. Short Answers Im very excited about this job because of the variety of different work. Im well rounded and its always exciting when I can use many of my skills for a job. The most interesting aspect of this job is the product youre working on. I think its so exciting working on a product that twelve million people use. I want to be on a team where my work will make many people enjoy our product more. I like the fact that this position requires someone who is detail oriented. Because were working with sensitive data, its important that all the information is perfect. This type of challenge always interested me. Long Answer Ever since I was studying mechanical engineering in college, I had a strong interest in automobile engines. This position is to help the engine design team to create better fuel efficient cars. When I read that, it really jumped out to me. I knew I really wanted this position because it combined my interest and my experience into one. So being on a team where I can work on something I love is what appeals to me the most. Listen to how this example is said more than the words. You really have to convey the message that you are interested in the job. 8.If you are given work from your manager that is boring and tedious, what will you do This is an important question for the manager. If you are hired on as a analyst and you have to do some data entry, you might not be happy about it. But if there it has to be done, then the manager has to assign the work to someone. They want to find out if you are the type of person who is willing to work on boring and tedious things. The long answer is the answer I gave when I was asked this question. Short Answer If its helping the company in any way, I dont mind doing boring work. My responsibility as an employee is to help the company succeed. If the work Im given will help the company, then Ill do the best that I can no matter if its boring or tedious. I dont mind doing boring and tedious work. As long as I dont have to do it for a long duration such as six months, then I really wouldnt have a problem. Long Answer I trust that management knows what is best for the project. Whatever work Im given, Im going to do my best knowing that its helping the entire company. Im more oriented towards the success of the company and Ill do whatever it takes to help out. So I wouldnt mind doing boring and tedious work for awhile. This answer is showing loyalty and being able to sacrifice personal interest for the success of the company. Maybe it was this question that helped me pass my third interview. 9.How long do you plan on staying with this company This question is usually asked to the people who move between jobs frequently. They do not want to hire someone who will leave after several months. The hiring process costs the company money and time and they want to hire someone who is looking to stay for awhile. I recommend saying you want to stay for a long time. Short Answers To tell you the truth, I have been working and gaining experience to get into this company. This is where I want to be and I plan on staying a long time if Im offered the job. The only time I get bored is if there is no work to do. As long as theres a lot of work, then Ill be happy and stay a long time. Im a busy body and I need to do work. This company has everything Im looking for. It provides the type of work I love, the employees are all happy, and the environment is great. I plan on staying a long time. One of my goals is to obtain a position in this company. I know that once I start working here, itll be for a long time. Long Answer As far as I can tell, this company has everything Im looking for. I enjoy this type of work and the benefits at this company are great. Im looking for a long term position and if there are opportunities for advancement and growth here, then I want to stay for a long time. This is another question you can answer in a short way. You dont want to answer with a single line answer because it doesnt sound believable. So a couple of sentences explaining what you want will convince them that you want to stay for a long time. 10.How do you explain the fact that you frequently change jobs I see that you havent stayed with a company for more than 2 years. To pass this question, you have to convince them that you are going to stick around. This isnt a question to see what you know or what your philosophy is, it is a concern they have that you have to address. Your persuasion skill will be required for this answer. But if you cant be persuasive, convince them through step by step facts that leads to the fact that you are going to stay with this company if they hire you. Short Answers I have been gaining experience and knowledge to have the minimum requirements to work for this company. My goal is to work for this company, and Ill be working here a long time because this is where I want to be. I planned on staying with my current job for a longer time period, but when this position opened up, I really wanted to apply because this company has everything I need. So even though I change jobs frequently, Im certain that I love this industry and that this is a great company to work for. I plan on staying a long time. I want to work for a large company that has many opportunities. I didnt receive this in my other companies because they were smaller, but I learned this company has a lot of great work to do and a lot of different opportunities. Long Answer To tell you the truth, early in my career, I didnt know what I wanted to do. Ive been in a couple different industries, and it wasnt until my last position that I found exactly what I wanted to be doing. I stayed with my previous company for more than a year but there werent enough opportunities. I finally found what I love to do and now I want to find a company where I can be a part of the company instead of a worker that has no interest in the overall company. Im being careful to choose my next job because I want to establish my career in my next job, and after researching, I found that ABC Company can provide everything Im looking for. So Ill definitely be here for the long term. This answer is a little long, but if you dont convince them that you are going to stay long, then you have a very little chance of being hired. So take whatever time you need to convince them. If you think of your own answer, write it down and be able to say it smoothly so they can fully understand that you are serious about staying. 11.Tell me about a time you had a big disagreement with your boss. What did you do and what was the outcome Here is another tell me about question. You will have to think of an example of your own. The items you need to include in your answer should consist of you showing proper communication, taking appropriate action, and ending with a good outcome. Its perfectly natural to disagree with your boss. It is important how you react when you have a disagreement. Show the interviewer that you are professional about disagreements. I never really had a big disagreement with my manager. The only thing I can think of was when I recently got back from a business trip, my manager told me I had to go on another one the next day. In my previous company, it wasnt common to send someone on a business trip immediately, but another employee got sick so I had to fill in. I had a disagreement with my boss on how to do an assignment. It was easy to resolve by having a discussion on the pros and cons of both methods. We didnt come to any conclusion which way was better, and I ended up performing the work the way my manager wanted. This was because in case I couldnt finish the assignment, he could easily pick up where I left off. I dont think Ive had a large disagreement with my boss before, but I do remember a small disagreement. I received an email from my boss telling me that he wants me to stop the work I was doing on my project and give it to a co-worker. He wanted me to start on a new project immediately. I spent two and a half weeks on this project and I only had three days left. I really wanted to finish this and it didnt make sense for me to hand this project off to someone else. So I put some thought into it, went over to my bosss office, and asked him why this project couldnt wait three days. He made his argument and I still didnt agree. We discussed this for a while and we compromised by having someone help me finish the project I was working on so I can have some time to kick start the next project. Thats the only experience I had with a disagreement, but I learned that it only takes simple dialog and a little compromise to overcome a disagreement. I know this answer is long, but all types of tell me about questions are long. You have to tell a story in the shortest way for them to understand while explaining the disagreement along with the outcome. Its a huge question and it will take a long time to master tell me about questions. That is why you should diligent on these types of questions. 12.What do you do when there is no work to do The interviewer wants to find out what type of person you are. Are you a busy body looking for work, or are you a lazy person doing only the work that they tell you to do This question will determine just that so make sure you give them an answer showing your great work habits. Short Answers I always try to be productive even if there isnt much work to do. I use my time to find areas of improvement within the office, take time to study new things that will help me on future projects, and volunteer to help other coworkers that might have too much work. Usually when I have nothing to do, I ask my manager if any of my peers need help. If not, then I usually spend time studying material that will help me on my next project. As a sales associate, there are many times when there is no work. But I always stay busy by cleaning and rearranging the items Im selling before customers come in. When I have no direct work, I always find side project such as thinking about a process of some sort that helps with office efficiency. One time, I created a small tool using MS Word that helped our team speed up the mailing process. Long Answer Im a type of person who hates not having work to do. In my last position, I frequently asked my supervisor for more work when I finished early. And in times when there really is no work, I go around searching for work and if Im still unsuccessful, Ill try to make work that will make existing processes more efficient. So I believe there never is a time when there is no work to do. Would you want a person like this I think most companies will love an employee who wants to continually work. So the example is the type of answer you should give. 13.What do you do when there are too many things to do When someone is busy, it is important to take some time to organize and prioritize the work. Many people just try to work faster, but that doesnt really help. Planning and working smarter is the best answer when times get busy. Short Answers I usually plan, organize, prioritize and then work real hard. I always keep my cool and work on one item after another. I found that this is efficient instead of worrying about how much work there is to do. I really like it when there is so much work. Im a fast and efficient worker and I like taking challenges that are big. With proper planning and execution, I have always managed to complete all my tasks. I regain my composure, take a deep breath, and work diligently. If there is a chance that I might not finish something due to the size of the work item, Ill inform my manager and make sure my manager is aware of my situation. I believe in hard work. A lot can get accomplished by working diligently. In a situation where there are many things to do, Ill reprioritize my work, plan and organize as much as I can and work hard. Long Answer For me, the busier it gets, the more I organize and plan. Some people might think I could use the time I spend in planning out my day to work on something, but I realized how efficient I can work when I organize my work ahead of time and plan out my day thoroughly. Also, it prevents me from panicking or from blowing up from the pressure. I learned from my previous manager that when there are many things to do, you should work smarter instead of faster. You can answer by saying that you will work harder or work faster or even work overtime, but people with experience knows that working smarter by planning and organizing comes from experience. So even if you dont have much experience, this type of answer can make you look like you have been in this type of position many times and overcame them. 14.What do you do when you feel burned out If you never burn out, then you are either superman or you dont work that hard. It is ok to admit to burning out at times, and you should provide an answer that shows how you deal with the times when you do get burned out. Short Answers I think its important to anticipate being burned out before it happens. But if a deadline requires me to work so much that I end up being burned out, I try to relax myself and get reenergized by not thinking about work at home and watching a good movie. When I feel burned out, I go to the gym and work out. This actually helps me because it moves the focus from my mind to my body. After a good work out, I really feel mentally rejuvenated. I usually use the weekends to engage in my personal hobbies to prevent me from burning out. I like to play tennis and golf, and these activities keep me mentally energized to work hard in the office. Long Answer I try to prevent burning out by maintaining a healthy balanced life. I try to engage in personal hobbies outside of work such as playing the guitar or going for a hike. They keep me energized to work hard in the office. But if I do feel burned out, I like to rent a movie and relax for the night. As you can tell, this is an easy answer. Many times a person who constantly works without a break can eventually become a bad employee by burning out. Being able to communicate exactly what you do during burnouts or how to prevent them indicates that you have balance. So simply listing a couple of hobbies and adding, keeps me energized to work hard in the office is a good enough answer that the interviewer will accept. 15.How do you manage having so many things to do such as work, family, and school How do you balance both your family and your job This is another easy answer where you can show your willingness to work hard. But it is unlikely you will get this question. Most of the time, the interviewer will ask this during small talk. When interviewing in America, I noticed there are many times where small talk is important. For example, walking together to the office could take two minutes. Are you going to say nothing during those two minutes What if the interviewer asks how your day is going He or she is basically initiating small talk. So it is definitely possible you will engage in small talk, and you should definitely practice small talk. With my kids in school, its really easy to manage my time. I have the full day to myself and I want to be productive by helping a company grow. Im very organized and I plan everything I do. This helps me to easily find a balance between family and work. Well, during the day while my kids are in school, I like to work. And in the evenings we spend time together doing homework. I really enjoy being busy and managing multiple things in my life. This is a short answer that shows the ability of multi-tasking. Also, a person who enjoys being busy is a good sign. So even if you receive questions during small talk, make sure to give answers that show good traits. 16.Youve been with one company your entire career. Dont you think you will have a tough time adjusting to a new environment If this is the case and you have been with only one company your entire career, then the best way to answer this question is to say how many changes you experienced in your previous position. Then it will sound like you are good with change and can adapt to new situations easily. Short Answers In my company, my projects changed very frequently and I was required to ramp up on new technologies. Im also very friendly and like to meet new people. So I think Ill have an easy time adjusting to a new environment. I actually like being in new environments. I like to travel a lot and even when Im in a different country, I have always blended in smoothly. I dont think it will be very difficult. I learned that this company is very diverse and has a great office environment. I feel Ill blend right in and make solid contributions to this company. Long Answer Although Ive been with one company, I have experienced many changes and new roles in my career. For example, during the middle of a long project, the vice president sent out a group wide mail completely changing our direction. We had to basically start from scratch with half the time left. It felt like I was a new employee again having to ramp up on new technology, reading up on instructional documentation, and learn new applications. So through my experience dealing with change and adjusting to new projects, I am confident I will not have a tough time adjusting to this new environment. Saying this confidently is the key. Its not an important question, but more like a question verifying that you are willing and capable of new things. But the more you convince them of your abilities to change, then the better you will appear. 17.What have you heard about our company that you didnt like This is an unusual question but just in case you will need an answer. After researching and you find out that everything is good, you can basically say that you couldnt find anything wrong. Try to mix in humor if you can since this is an odd question. Also, take a moment to pretend to be thinking about the question before answering immediately. From my research, I didnt find anything I disliked. This company provides great benefits, works on exciting products, and is listed in the top 100 companies to work for. When I search for a job, I always look for negative things. However, I didnt find anything that I didnt like. Thats why Im very excited to have this opportunity to work here. Hmmm I read up on this company thoroughly and even spoke with a friend who works here. I didnt hear anything negative about ABC Company. Is there something I should know before working here The last sentence in the answer is a question you should say with a slight smile. That should lighten the tension a little and show that you are fully confident. 18.Do you want to work for a small or large company and why This all depends on what size company you are interviewing for. Usually, large companies will not ask this question. But if they do, make sure you mention you want to work for a large company because of the resources, the training, and other things you can think of. More likely, a smaller company will ask you this wondering why you would choose a small company. The best way to answer this question is to first think about what a small company can provide over a big company. The most significant advantage of working for a small company is having the opportunity to work on a variety of tasks. I want to work for a large company because there are different opportunities within the company. I also feel a larger company provides better training. Finally, a larger company already has key processes in place to provide employees tools to work efficiently. I worked for a small company for a year and missed out on a lot of benefits a larger company provides such as training, structured work environment, and a wider variety of work. So I want to work for a large company. I want to work for a small company because I feel Ill have more opportunities to gain valuable experience. I know some friends in large companies and they have specific roles that limit what theyre capable of doing. Im hoping that a small company will have more variety and challenges for each employee. This is pretty short but to the point. It displays wanting to learn and an eagerness to try a variety of things. Working With People Interview Quetions 1.What do you do when youre having difficulty solving a problem There are many different ways to approach this answer. So there are many right answers. Just remember to explain yourself step by step. Short Answers I usually take a short break. I found that this helps me think clearer and often times I end up solving the problem. I break down the problem piece by piece and try and solve difficult problems step by step. This approach helps me not to get overwhelmed by difficult problems. I always do my best solving difficult problems. If I have trouble, Ill use resources around me such as looking through the Internet, asking co-workers, asking my manager, or looking through some books. Long Answer There are couple things I do when Im having a problem. Sometimes I try to focus so hard that I miss a point that would help me solve the problem. So I take a 2 minute break to help me approach the problem in a different way. I could either go get a drink of water, or stand up and move around. I find that this helps me at times. But if I still continue to have problems, I dont mind asking a co-worker for some assistance. I believe in using all the resources around me and I think co-workers should use me as a resource as well. This answer first tries to solve the problem without bothering another person. But if everything fails, it is ok to ask questions to someone else. 2.What do you do when you have a problem with a direct This is more of a question for management. There are multiple ways you can answer this, but you should show that you are responsible and that you know how to resolve these types of problems. Short Answers I believe in open communication. I always analyze the problem and then tell my direct clearly. I always provide steps that we both can take to deal with the problem. This approach helps me because it shows my respect. In this situation, I believe communication is very important. Ill usually have a meeting with my direct on the problems I have. Its easier to work on a problem together when everyone involved is aware, so I always communicate the problems that I see. I believe feedback is important to solve problems with a direct. I meet with my directs regularly and always provide suggestions on how to improve. I also use this time to work out problems we might have. Its important to let my directs know where I stand so they dont have to make assumptions. Long Answer Because Im the manager, I feel its my responsibility to improve the relationship. If the problem is work related, Ill narrow the problem down whether its with his working style or another type of problem and assist in anyway I can. This would also involve providing feedback and suggestions on how to approach problems. But if our personalitys conflict then I would try to be more understanding. 3.What do you do when you have a problem with your boss This question is a little easier for me because I havent had many directs I didnt like. It is easier to tell a manager your problems because they are in a position where they should accept listening to your problems. So in this case, I would answer it by showing some honesty trait. Short Answers Im very open with my manager. I feel its important that my manager knows about how I feel. I always start a conversation and try and solve our differences through professional conversation. When I have a problem with my boss, I dont like to keep it bottled up. I want to resolve problems so I can work efficiently without distractions. So I always talk to my manager about the problems that I have openly. I deal with different types of people very well, but if I have a problem that affects my work, I will openly tell my manager and the reason why its bothering me. Long Answer Im a very honest and open person. So anytime I have a problem with my boss, I always let him or her know. I make a list of things that bother me. I ask my boss for time to chat and I reveal these problems and the reasons for them. I want to make sure Im not being offensive or sound like Im accusing my boss of anything. 4.What do you do when you have a problem with your job Nobody likes to be working when there is a problem with the job. You can hate it, or you could be too busy and too tired. What ever the reason, it is best to show that you will look for the problem and take measures to solve it. In this situation, I ask my self why Im having the problem. After identifying it, I work on solving the problems so I can be more efficient in my work. It depends on the specific problem, but in most cases, Ill face the problem that I have with my job and find a solution. If I avoid the problem, it will always be there and my work quality will decrease. So I found that solving the problems immediately helps me in the long term. If I have a problem that I can solve, Ill do everything I can to correct it. If the problem is out of my control, I feel its important to let my manager know what my problems are. Whether Im happy or unhappy, Ill always do my best work. If the problem I have with my job is affecting the quality of my work, Ill identify the problem and then take steps to find solutions. 5.What do you do when you have a problem with a co-worker Usually when two co-workers have a problem, then they will just hate each other and try to be better than the other. You cant say this because it is the wrong way to handle it. I would probably not deal with the problem and hate the other person, but that is not what I would say in an interview. You can mention that you believe having to deal with a problem with a co-worker is difficult because competitiveness comes into factor. Along with this statement, follow up with how you would try to look beyond that to make your relationship better. Short Answers If I have a problem with a co-worker, I believe its so important to talk to them. Even if Im the one with the problem, I want to know so I can be a better team mate. If I have a problem, I try to approach my co-worker and let them know as professionally as possible. If Im the one with the problem, Ill politely ask what I can do to improve the relationship. I found that proper communication solves many problems. Ive always been told that Im a great person to work with, but if I were in a situation where I was having a problem, I believe I would work on our relationship by being more understanding. Long Answer Well it all depends on if its a personality conflict or an issue that is causing the problem. An issue is easy to deal with. I think Id go and talk with the co-worker saying something like, If you have some time, I think it will be good for us if we talk about this issue. Starting a conversation to deal with the problem with a co-worker is the hardest step, and if its done properly, then the issue can easily be resolved. If it is a personality issue, then I would try to be more understanding and at worst deal with the problem by anticipating conflicts ahead of time to put myself in a position to either avoid it or to make it less of a problem. This is showing answers by using scenarios. It is a solid answer but if you disagree, feel free to think of a good scenario that will fit you better. 6.How do you handle conflict This is a general question. It doesnt ask if you are the one with the conflict, if it is a conflict with another person, if it is a conflict of schedule, or if it is a conflict with changes at work. If you want, you can ask a question to clarify. But if you want to answer in a general way, try to think of an answer that will work for all types of conflict. Short Answers I treat most conflicts the same. I analyze the conflict and create a list of steps I can take to resolve it. By thinking about these steps and taking action, I found that most conflicts are easy to handle. I handle conflicts by analyzing them. Im a very analytical person and I feel all problems have a solution. I usually think about the conflict and find ways to deal with it. Whenever Im confronted with a conflict, I always follow a simple process. I think about what the current conflict is, think of several ways I can deal with this conflict, and then take the best action after my analysis. Long Answer Whenever I have a conflict I have to deal with, I like to follow a simple process. I first identify the problem causing the conflict, think about solutions or ideas that will solve the problem, and then try to implement a solution. Although its very simple, it makes sure that Im not panicking, losing my temper or losing control of the situation. And it prevents me from rushing into a decision that might make the problem worse. This is an answer that could be applied to all types of conflicts. It doesnt state the exact situations of each conflict, but it does state why following a process is good. The interviewer will not think this is an original idea. However, the answer provides reasons why it helps. These reasons are the key to the answer and it shows that you are organized and in control. This answer, without the last sentence is just mediocre. But the last sentence makes is very strong. 7.Have you fired anyone And if so, why If you fired someone before, then that means you are a manager or hire. If your answer is no, then this is an easy question. But if you answer yes, then you have to give a reason why. If you say I fired one of our employees because he or she couldnt do the work properly, then this is a regular answer that will not help you. Large corporations have a procedure they follow to fire someone. If you can incorporate using the process of firing into your own experience, then the answer will be stronger. Here is an example. Short Answers Ive never had to fire anyone yet, but if Im in this situation, I would follow company policy and do it professionally. I had to fire one employee who continually failed to complete projects. Before firing this employee, I tried to work with him by motivating, encouraging, and even providing different work. In the end, nothing worked and I had no choice but to let him go. The only time I had to fire someone was when an employee was continually late. We have a company policy of giving a verbal warning for the first three offenses, and then a written warning after the 3rd offense. I had many discussions about this problem with this employee, but it didnt help. In the end, we had to let him go. Long Answers When I was a managing a group of 4 people in my last position, I unfortunately had to fire one of them. The person was unable to perform at an acceptable level for a long period of time. Our company has a process in place of trying to grow our employees, empower them, and help them find their strengths, but nothing helped. I put the person on probation and explained that he will have to try harder. But after seeing bad performance due to a lack of effort for a long time, I had to fire him. Another approach to this question is to take a strong stance on performance. As I said before, if the answer is different and creative, the interviewer will remember it more and that means they will remember you more. Then your chances of getting the job increase more than others. Here is an example of an answer that the interviewer will remember. Oh yeah, I fired a lot of people. All of the reasons were the same. They were not performing their jobs. I believe in good management. I believe I should mentor and help grow our employees. This is a business and we need to do whatever we can to help our company grow. One of the biggest factors on the success of a company is having great employees. So I wont hesitate to fire someone that isnt performing their job. It leaves more room to bring in someone who will benefit the company. This is an answer I would be willing to use. But before using this answer, you must first look at the type of person asking this question and determine if he or she will like it. If the person is a strong person that shows no emotion, then it might be good. But if a person is very friendly, then that person might not like it. Even though it is a good answer, a friendly person might not like it because it could indicate that you are a cold person. Basically friendly people dont like cold people and if you have to work together, they might not want to work with you. So be careful on using this type of answer. 8.What do you do when a worker is giving the team more problems then helping If you have a lot of team work experience, you know that there are a lot of people like this. It is a fact that some people actually slow down the work than help the work. That is why this is a good question to ask. A good employee will know how to handle this situation. A bad employee will do all the work themselves. Although doing the work is good, it doesnt show that you can deal with different types of people. Short Answers I follow a process of helping my coworker out in any way I can. This can include assistance in their portion of the work or by encouragement. If that doesnt work, then we redistribute the work to make sure everything is covered. I believe its important to let my manager know of the problem as well. If the problem is related to a difficult task that a coworker cannot solve, then Ill get all the team members to help out. But if the problem is due to laziness or unwillingness to work, then Ill inform my manager of the problem. Its hard to deal with a worker that puts in great effort but slows down the team. I noticed it is best to tackle the problem early. One way I found that was helpful was to be more firm. This way, the project continues to move forward without so many interruptions due to small arguments. Long Answer Ive been in this situation a couple of times. One time, we organized and distributed easier work to the worker with problems. But this is only a short term solution. Most of the time, I end up spending a lot of time helping the person out. It might have been quicker if the rest of the team members did all the work, but I figure helping this person now will benefit us in our next project. Although this method doesnt work all the time, I really get excited when it does work. Then I know I really helped another person succeed and this in turn helps the company. This answer will also work if you leave out the last two sentences. But I included the last two sentences to emphasize that helping other people succeed is really the truth instead of just words. If you choose the right way to say something, it sounds much more believable. 9.When do you know enough is enough when dealing with a subordinate that doesnt seem to be helping This is another good management question. The best way to answer this question is with a procedure in mind. Basically after you tried everything, then enough is enough. But what exactly is everything. You cant use everything because that shows you really dont know. Instead of the word everything, list out all the steps so the interviewer believes you know what to do in this situation. I know enough is enough when Ive exhausted all measures to help this employee grow. I would do my part by providing encouragement, giving extra instructions, mentoring, and giving different types of work. If I exhaust all of these steps, then I know I cant do anything further and that is when enough is enough. 10.Do you like to work by yourself or with others Even if you have a strong preference to work alone or with others, the best answer is to say both. Even if a job is mostly about working alone, there might be some team work involved. Most employers want someone who can work well in a team and work well alone. Thats a tough question I like the combination of the two. Its great working in teams while getting and sharing ideas with each other, but its also nice to sit at your desk and work hard productively. I like to do both so its hard to choose one over the other. If they insist on choosing one, then choose the one that is relevant to the job you are interviewing for. Make sure you pause a little before saying so. If I had to choose just one, then Id probably choose to work alone. 11.How do you get along This isnt a very popular question because its hard to learn about the person answering. The answers are all going to be the same. Its just a matter of how you say it. Because there isnt anything exciting to say here, you should show friendly characteristics so it is believable. These answers can be short. It really doesnt matter how long the answer is but you have to make sure you show your friendliness through your voice. How do you get along with your subordinates My relationship with my directs is very good. Theyre very open and honest with me and Im sure they feel they can come to me with any problems. How do you get along with your co-workers Ive always had an easy time getting along with different types of people. So I never had a problem getting along with my co-workers. I consider many of them my friends. How do you get along with your superiors Ive had my share of great managers and mediocre managers, but Ive always gotten along with all of them very well. Ive rarely had conflicts with them and if there was an issue, I always talked it over with them. Miscellaneous Interview Questions 1.What do you do to stay in shape Staying in physical shape also helps the brain function better. It really doesnt matter if you are completely in shape or not. But being active indicates that you are not a lazy couch potato. I like to take long walks with my dog on a regular basis, and I also go on weekly hikes at a trail near my house. I work out at a gym a couple times a week. I like to stay active. I play for a co-ed softball team. Its fun and it gives me a little exercise. All these examples will work. It doesnt have to be long but you should answer with something that indicates that you are active. 2.What do you like to do when youre not in the office This is another question where they want to find out some of your hobbies. Basically, you can answer this question similar to how you would answer, what are your hobbies. When Im not in the office, I like to play golf, read magazines, and spend time with my wife. Well, I like the piano so I have piano lessons on a weekly basis. I also like gardening, so I work on my yard a lot. But if I want to relax, I like to watch videos at night. Something short and simple is the best answer. No need to elaborate on why. 3.Whats the most recent book you read If you are interviewing for a marketing position, dont say you are reading a book called International Marketing Strategies. Rather, answer with a novel such as Michael Crichton books or John Grisham books. It is more realistic and shows other interests that you have. I just finished The Runaway Jury by John Grisham. I find all of his books very entertaining. I have a strong interest in World War II, so I was reading a book about Hitler. Its quite interesting to see how he grew up and what lead him to his hatred towards the Jews. Something simple like this will be good enough. 4.What is the most recent movie you saw You can either answer by using a similar answer to the recent book question, or you can say that you dont watch movies that much. The last movie I saw was The Last Samurai. I thought it was great. Oh gosh its been a while since Ive seen a movie. I think it was Spider Man. I like to spend my time outside, so I dont see movies that often. Both of these answers are fine. Whether you like to see movies or not, just tell them exactly what you think. Your answers will be more natural. If you answer these types of questions awkwardly, they might get the impression that you are uncomfortable or that you are not capable of small talk. So answer without thinking too much about these questions. 5.Did you have any trouble finding this place This question is not an interview question, but a question usually asked by an interviewer right when you see them. This is especially common if the building location is hard to find. Here is another question you should tell exactly what happened. No problem at all. I checked for directions on the Internet and found it pretty easily. A little bit. I didnt realize that there was another building back here, so I drove by a couple times, but thats ok, I eventually found it. With the first answer, they will say something like, thats good. Then they will move on to other questions. If you answer with the second question, they will probably talk a little more about how he or she agrees that this building is hard to find. Either answers are acceptable. 6.Will working on weekends be a problem If the interviewer is asking this question, then this position is probably going to requires some weekend work. Maybe its not a lot, but they want to make sure that if something goes wrong and more work is required, you will be able to work on weekends. I recommend answer by saying it will not be a problem. If you want to find out how often you will have to work weekends, you can ask it after answering the question. It shouldnt be a problem at all. I frequently worked on weekends in my other position, especially during tax season. How often is weekend work required here on average This answer is stating that it is no problem. It also supports the answer by saying I have worked on weekends in my previous group. And the last sentence is an example how you can ask them about weekend work. 7.How do you feel about overtime If this is an hourly job, then pay is given to employees working extra hours. If it is a salary position, most of the time they will not ask this question because they expect you to work overtime. But expect this position to have some overtime requirements if the interviewer is asking this question. I dont mind working overtime at all. I know during busy times people are expected to work more, and Im flexible with my hours so I wont have a problem. 8.Have you filed for bankruptcy This question is for positions that deal with finance and money. You might see this question if you are interviewing for a banker position, a financial analyst position, or a stock broker. If money is a factor, then they want someone who is responsible with money. Just simply tell them the truth. If you have filed for bankruptcy, then you probably shouldnt be applying for this job anyway. So Im going to give only one answer of no. No. Im very responsible with money and I have great credit. 9.Do you own or rent your home Renting or owning a home sometimes indicates your financial status. Renters are usually people who do not have enough down payment for a house or people with bad credit who cannot get a loan. So it is best to have your own home, but if you dont, then give them an answer that shows you are preparing to buy a home. Im currently renting, but I plan on buying my own place next year. Im renting right now, but Ill probably buy a house when I get married. If you own your house, then a simple, I own my house will be a good enough answer. 10.Do you have any outside income This might be a job interview question, or it could be a question when you are talking to a creditor. In either case, you can simply reply with a yes or no. If it is a yes, then briefly tell them the other source of income. I get paid child support from my ex-husband. I have a rental property. No. I do not. 11.Do you earn any income from investments or hobbies If you are active in the stock market, then you can mention something like that. Another income from investment is from your savings account or mutual funds. Whatever it is, simply tell them what it is. I have a savings account that I earn a little extra income from. I have some mutual funds that perform about 8 a year. I have some investments in the stock market. 12.Are you able to make frequent business trips Are you willing to travel If they are asking this, then this position probably requires some traveling. If you say no, then you probably wont get hired because they want someone who is able to travel. But depending on your job, you will already know if it requires traveling or not. I know as an auditor that Ill have to make business trips. So Im definitely willing to travel. I dont have any problems with traveling. 13.Are you willing to relocate This is a tough question because relocating means moving to a completely new area. It might be ok to answer with a no, but I would answer with a maybe. Here is an example. I guess it would depend on the location and the pay. If everything is the same, I would rather stay here because this is where I grew up. But I would be willing to consider it. This answer is not saying yes or no. This is saying maybe in a polite way. Dont answer with a direct maybe. That is bad. Instead use something similar to my example. If you are willing to relocate, it is an easy answer. I love change and Id definitely be willing to relocate. 14.May I contact your current employer This all depends on if your current employer knows that you are searching for another job. If you are not employeed, they might ask if they can contact your former employer. Regardless, the best answer is to say yes. If not, then they will think you have something to hide. Sim. Do you have their contact information 15.May I contact your references The only correct answer to this question is a yes. If they have your references, then a simple yes will be enough. If they do not, then answer yes and offer them a list. Sure. After the interview, I can email or fax you a list of references. Will that be ok 16.Is there anything else I should know Is there anything else you want to add Adding one more sentence to state one more thing never hurts. But choose carefully because it is their last impression of you. If you felt you didnt show that much enthusiasm, here is your chance. Or if you feel that they didnt ask you about one of your strong traits, you have a chance to state it. I dont know if I expressed it that well, but Im very excited about this position. Im confident that I can do very well here. One final trait that I have that would be perfect for this position is my organizational skills. Im very detailed and plan very well. 17.What kind of salary are you looking for What pay range are you looking for There are a couple of ways to answer this. If you state a figure, you risk stating something that is too high, or something that is too low. Either case, you will not benefit from this question. A lot of people suggest saying something like, Im sure whatever Im offered will be a fair price. But I dont agree. It is a safe answer, but if I was the interviewer, I would appreciate numbers instead of a safe answer. So I recommend answering this question with a range. Ill explain this more in the negotiation portion, but just in case you skip that section, here are some examples. Im expecting somewhere between 50,000 - 60,000. If you know the pay for the position you are applying for. Then giving a figure is not that bad. Just state something a little higher with a small range included I know that the average pay for this position is roughly around 45,000, but because I have a couple years more experience, I would want something around 48,000 to 50,000. If the salary range is already included in the job description, then you can answer that you are willing to consider any offers stated in the job description. The job description says that the salary will be around 45,000 to 53,000. I think its a fair range. 18.Thats a high salary for this position Where did you come up with that figure If you said a figure that was too high, you might here this question from the interviewer. This is not good because they would only ask this if the figure you stated was too high. So I would first justify the larger figure and explain that would consider a little less. I have three more years of experience that will help a lot. I also have a college degree that is not stated as a requirement. But if the figure is too high, I would consider something a little less. 20.When are you able to start If you are not working, then you are able to start immediately. But saying immediately sounds too desperate so tell them next Monday or something. If you are currently employed, then you have to show that you are responsible by giving your current employer a two week notice. Ill be able to start as early as next Monday. I have to give my current employer a two week notice so I could start immediately after that. 21.Are you considering any other offers right now This question is not asking if you got an offer or not. It is asking if you are considering it. Regardless, you can tell them the truth. Im not considering any of my offers right now. I was considering an offer I received last week, but I dont think I will be accepting that position. Im thinking about an offer I have, but I want to keep my options open. 19.How much do you currently get paid I dont think you can lie about this question. Its easy to find out the truth. I would recommend saying exactly how much you made. I was paid 50,000 a year plus an 8 bonus. I received 27.50 an hour at my last position. Most of the time, the person interviewing you will ask if you have any questions. It is important that you ask intelligent and relevant questions. Make sure you prepare some questions before you interview so you can learn more about the company and the position. Here is a small list of questions you can ask. Feel free to create more of your own. Do you have any questions Does this job usually lead to other positions at the company Tell me some of the skills that you want in a candidate for this position. What are the people Ill be working with like What do you like the most about this company and why How is this company doing in comparison with competitors I know of products x and y, does the company plan to introduce any new products What is the company doing to maintain its market strength How many employees work for this company What has been the companys layoff history in recent years Do you know of any anticipated cutbacks in any departments in the near future What major problems has the company recently faced What type of training do you provide here What do you like best about this company What position title will I be reporting to What other departments does this department work closely with What kind of training should I expect How long is the training program How did this position become available Is a written job description available Please describe a typical day for this position. How long has this position been available How many candidates have you interviewed for this position How many total candidates will you be interviewing for this position Do you interview a large number of people before making an offer to a person, or do you make an offer to the first person who is qualified What type of hardware and software will I be working with What will my workstation be like Will it be an office, a cubicle, or a desk What opportunities for advancement are available here vt qua vng phng vn 1. Trc khi phng vn: Bn nn chun b tht k trc khi tham gia phng vn t tin hn. Trc tin bn hy c li tht k CV v n xin vic ca mnh, va thuc lng, va r sot li nhng li chnh t ng php nu c. Bn s kh thnh cng nu nh bn khng nm vng c chnh CV ca mnh - iu ny nghe c v hi l, nhng s tht rt c th l nh vy. Khi mt i mt vi nh tuyn dng bn rt d mt bnh tnh v c th s qun bng mt chnh nhng g mnh lit k trong . V rt c th bn s b lng tng nu nh tuyn dng xoy vo mt s im kh nghi trong CV ca bn. Tt nht bn nn chun b nhng cu hi d ny sinh khi nh tuyn dng c CV ca mnh. La chn trang phc: Trang phc i phng vn ca bn phi c mu sng, nghim tc, chuyn nghip. Nh tuyn dng s tm thy bn mt phong cch chuyn nghip, t tin v sn sng lm vic. Trang im: Bn nn trang im nh nhng, nn nh rng bn i phng vn ch khng phi i d tic nn khng cn thit phi trang im qu m. Mi trng lm vic cng s tng i. d ng vi nhng ngi a trang im m v n mc qu lng ly. 2. Tr li phng vn: i nt v bn thn bn Khi nh tuyn dng hi: Bn hy cho ti bit v bn thn, bn s tr li ra sao y l mt cu hi thng gp khi i phng vn xin vic. Khng phi thng tin no v bn thn bn cng nn lit k ra. Bn c th tr li tht ngn gn v tp trung vo nhng im mnh ca bn thn ph hp vi v tr tuyn dng. Nh tuyn dng khng c mc ch tm hiu su hn na vo l lch trch ngang ca bn, v h cng khng c hng th vi nhng s thch c nhn khng lin quan g n cng vic. V vy hy trnh xa nhng tnh tit di dng v khng cn thit. i vi ng vin vo v tr k ton, cu tr li c th l: Ti c kin thc nn tng v chuyn ngnh k ton trong sut thi gian hc Khoa k ton ca i hc Kinh t Quc dn. Gi y ti sn sng tr thnh mt k ton chuyn nghip. Ti c kinh nghim lm k ton 2 nm nhng cng ty kh tn tui nh (bn lit k tn cng ty), v thi sinh vin ti tng i lm thm cho mt s ca hng bun bn. Ti tin mnh c nng lc, kinh nghim v s hiu bit hon thnh tt nhim v. im yu ca bn l g Tht l kh tr li cu hi ny phi khng Bn rt d b loi nu nh khng kho tr li cu hi t nh ny. Bn phi bit cch li nhng im yu tr thnh im mnh ca bn thn. Bn nn lu thm rng: Hy ni n nhng im yu khng nh hng xu n cng vic. Ai cng c im yu, v vy bn ng tr li qu thng rng: Ti khng c im yu, nh vy s l so rng v bn l ngi b loi khi cuc ua tm vic vi cc i th khc ri. V d nh: Ti tin mnh l ng vin ph hp nht cho v tr ny, ch khng phi l ai khc. Tuy nhin im yu ca ti l ti hi cu ton, v vy mi ngi thng cho ti l ngi kh tnh qu trong cng vic. Ti sao chng ti nn chn bn Thc ra cu hi y phi l: Ti sao chng ti nn thu bn ch khng phi nhng ng vin khc. V y l c hi bn bc l th mnh ca mnh so vi nhng ng vin khc. Nu bn l mt nhn vin bn hng y kinh nghim, v sao bn khng th hin nhng kinh nghim qu bu v c o ca mnh qua qung thi gian lm vic y th thch qua nh Nhng cng ng qun th hin rng: Bn rt c tinh thn cu tin, bn sn sng hc hi nng cao k nng, kin thc lm vic tt hn. Nh tuyn dng s lu nhiu hn n trng hp ca bn, sn sng thu bn v o to bn. Cu tr li hon ho nht cho cu hi ny l: Ti thc s tin rng ti l ng vin tt nht cho v tr ny. Cng nh rt nhiu ng vin khc, ti c y nng lc p ng yu cu cng vic. Nhng khng ch c vy, ti cn c nhng nng lc c bit khc m khng phi ai cng c c: Ti rt c kh nng iu khin nhm lm vic ca mnh. Ti bit cch n lc t c kt qu cao nht, v ti cng bit cch gip ngi khc hon thnh tt cng vic. iu ti tin l khng phi ai cng lm c. Qu cng ty c th i chiu v kim chng thng tin qua nhng thnh tch ti t c v qua nhng ngi lin h m ti ghi pha di CV. Nhng cu hi lin quan n kin thc x hi Bn c bit b phim ot gii oscar gn y nht B phim ot gii Cnh diu vng 2008 Nghe c v nhng cu hi ny khng lin quan g n tt c nhng yu cu cng vic ca v tr bn ang ng tuyn (tt nhin tr nhng v tr v lnh vc in nh) ng xem thng nhng cu hi trn, rt c th bn b h gc ch v nhng cu hi khng ng chuyn ngnh y Thc ra, vi cu hi loi ny th nh tuyn dng ch mun th s hiu bit x hi v phn x tnh hung ca bn m thi. ng cc cu hi lm bn bi ri. Trc tin, bn phi thc bnh tnh v phi c gng ht sc suy ngh tm ra phng n tr li tht ti u. Nu bn bit p n ng th hy c ni tht chn tht, nu bn khng bit p n th cng khng sao c, hy ni tht kho lo: V d: in nh l lnh vc rt hp dn, khi rnh ri ti vn dnh thi gian i xem phim cho th gin u c chun b cho mt tun lm vic mi tht hiu qu. Tuy nhin thc s ti cng cha lm n nhng gii thng danh gi . Thi gian ti, ti s c gng tm hiu thm v nhng thng tin quan trng Nhng cu hi ring t Nh tuyn dng c th hi v tui tc, tnh trng hn nhn, con ci, hon cnh gia nh ca bn, thm ch l v khong thi gian bn hc trung hc Bn hon ton c th ng ph vi nhng cu tr li ny mt cch linh hot: Bn c th ni i nt v mnh, v sau nh ni thm rng: Ti lun lun c gng hon thnh tt cng vic c giao, bi v ti bit rng: S nghip v gia nh i vi ti l hai mng khng th tch ri. Ti s c mt gia nh hnh phc nu ti c cng vic n nh, thu nhp ph hp. y l cu hi dng nh khng th trnh khi nu bn lt qua vng loi s tuyn h s. Vy phi tr li nh th no cho hp l y Bn nn c gng tm hiu mc lng ph bin cho v tr bn ng tuyn l bao nhiu ng ni qu cao so vi mt bng chung bi v c th nh tuyn dng s cho rng: Bn yu cu hi qu. Bn ch nn ni mc lng cao hn tnh trng chung khi bn c thnh tch tng i dy, v c nhng kh nng c bit khin nh tuyn dng thc s mun thu bn. Nu bn khng mun tr li thng vo mc lng c th th c th vng vo th ny: Ti ng tuyn vo v tr ny bi ti rt yu thch cng vic v hon ton c kh nng lm vic. Ti mun tho thun v vn lng bng sau khi bit chc rng ti c trng tuyn vo v tr ny. Cu hi v cng ty c Bn c mu thun vi ai cng ty c khng y lun l cu hi khng th v g, nhng li l cu hi thng xuyn bn phi tr li cho hu ht tt c cc cuc phng vn. Tt hn ht vi dng cu hi ny th hy tr li chn tht, nhng ng o su vo n qu. Nu bn khng mu thun g vi ng nghip cng nh vi sp c th hy ni l khng, cn nu c th hy ni tht: Mi quan h ca ti v cc ng nghip c khng tt lm nhng cha n mc cng thng. Hoc ti v sp c c nhiu quan im khng tng ng, nhng khng n mc gay gt. Ti hc hi c rt nhiu t nhng bi hc qu gi , v gi y ti chun b tinh thn sn sng ho nhp vi mi trng mi. Ti sao bn li t b cng vic c Cu hi ny gn tng ng vi cu hi trn. Bn khng nn ni xu v cng ty c, hy tr li tht khch quan: Mi trng lm vic c tng i tt, ti hc hi c nhiu kinh nghim t cng ty c. Nhng ti bit mi trng lm vic mi ca qu cng ty hon ton ph hp vi nng lc ca ti, ti mun th sc mnh mi trng lm vic hin i nng ng nh qu cng ty, v hi vng ti c c hi c thc hin mong mun . Cu hi v tng lai Bn th tng tng 5, 10 nm na th bn ang v tr no Bn nn bit cch cn bng gia nng lc, mong c, v tng lai pht trin ca cng ty ni bn ang ng tuyn. a ra cu tr li ph hp. Vi dng cu hi ny, nh tuyn dng mun tm hiu kh nng ln k hoch cho tng lai ca bn v tm nhn ca bn. Hy ni nhiu hn vo v tr s nghip v cp mt cht n cuc sng gia nh. Cu tr li tt nht c th l: Ti tin mnh c kh nng p ng mi yu cu ca cng vic ni y. Ti tin, trong tng lai gn ti s vn ln v tr cao hn, c th l trng phng chng hn. Ti mong mun mnh s gn b lu di vi cng ty. Nm nm na ti s m mt ba tic nh mi qu v v tt c nhng ng nghip thn cn ca ti ti d trong khng kh m m hnh phc. Nh tuyn dng lun a ra nhng cu hi gip bn th hin tt nht nng lc ca mnh, th mnh ca mnh. V vy bn nn tnh to v nng ng chng minh mnh qua nhng cu hi tng i hc ba . Bn s thnh cng

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